SCP-000-2c's Foundation File

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(A/N: The picture at the top is what the SCP looks like.)

Warning. You are attempting to access a file of SCP-000-2c.

In order to prevent knowledge of SCP-000-2c from being leaked several false SCP-000-2c files have been created alongside the true file.

Access is permitted to only those with authorized administrative clearance of level 4 or higher. Failure to have proper clearance will result in immediate cardiac arrest via a memetic kill agent.

Revealing the true nature of SCP-000-2c to the general public is cause for execution.

Memetic Kill Agent Activated
















Continued life signs have been confirmed.

Now Accessing a file of SCP-000-2c codename The Aerial Creation or Aérer.

Item #: SCP-000-2c

Object Class: Keter

Threat Level: Red

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-000-2c is to be kept close to SCP-000 at all times. If SCP-000 requests bird seed or Hummingbird nectar to feed SCP-000-2c it is to be given to her immediately to not invoke 2c's wrath and the wrath of the other creations. If they must be removed for experimental purposes make sure the testing period is less than an hour long. When moving 2c to a test chamber they are to be placed in a see-through humanoid transport crate with breathing holes. This creature should not be angered under any circumstances. If the subject becomes injured they are to be offered more birdseed and nectar as an apology and as a way to heal themselves. Its mood is to be monitored 24/7 and any changes in its behavior or its attitude are to be reported immediately so steps can be taken to keep the creature happy. They are free to fly around SCP-000's containment as they please. This creature is not to be disturbed when it's trying to sleep unless you want the bones in your hand to be broken. In the event of a containment breach, it is best to stay out of this SCP's way until its creator can be calmed down unless you want to die from asphyxiation.

Description: SCP-000-2c is a horned 5'5" genderless aerial humanoid creature with sparkling mint green skin on most of its body with sereni teal spots on parts of its body and morning sunlight beige in the middle of its chest and on its mouth and cheeks. It has arms that are a sparkling mint green color with sereni teal spots, and iced almond beige designs on its elbows and upper arms, white wings with iced almond beige primary feathers, secondary feathers, trailing edge and wingtips on its back and head as well as iced almond beige wings on its ankles, two crystal horns that are a diluted blue that fades darker towards the tips with traditional blue and corsair blue at the base of the horns, as well as two golden palm accessories that wrap around the base of each horn, solid diluted blue eyes, legs that are sparkling mint green, iced almond beige, and sereni teal with semi pointed tips for the feet, sereni teal on its knees ending at the top of the ankles and the bottom of the bands with two iced almond beige circles on the center of the knees and two bands that wrap around the bottom of the thighs, and a rare wind turquoise heart with two basket of gold lines ending in a white circle for each line on the thighs, a peacock-like tail that is sparkling mint green, white, and sereni teal, and an abdomen, chest, and face that is sparkling mint green, sereni teal, and iced almond beige. It has a traditional blue and corsair blue heart-shaped gem on its forehead with a sereni teal patch on its forehead ending at the top of the heart gem and three green moray spots on its head two smaller ones above the patch and a bigger one in-between its eyes, 4 claws that are a medium sky blue that's sparkly with traditional blue and corsair blue at the base of the claws that's also sparkly on each hand, and a rare wind turquoise heart on its chest. It has an iced almond beige collar with two gold palm studs on the left and right of two sereni teal lines on each side of a gold palm accessory that has a rare wind turquoise heart on it, a gold palm charm, and a traditional blue and corsair blue heart gem under the charm. It has a large coil of white fluff that wraps around its neck underneath its collar. Its tail has white spots near the bigger spots and white bands that end at the bottom of the tail tips, rare wind turquoise spots that end at the bottom of the bands, and sereni teal tail tips.

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