chapter 11- Mjolnir...

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I run into the living room and pass Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. I stop, walking over to it.

"Would you like to try lifting it?" Thor says.

I jump and scream, shaking my head and slapping his chest hard.

"Don't scare me," I warn, pointing a finger at him.

"I apologise. Would you like to try lifting Mjolnir?" Thor asks again.

I nod my head.

"Let me summon everyone," Thor says.

Before I can protest, he gets Friday to send a message to everyone. As I groan, people start filing in.

"Thor!" I moan, slapping his chest again.

Everyone has drinks and sits around the table, watching me.

"But it's a trick!" Clint says.

"No, no, it's much more than that," Thor argues, laughing.

"'Ah, 'whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power'. Whatever, man! It's a trick!"

"Please, be my guest."

"Really?" Clint asks.

"Oh, this is gonna be beautiful," Rhodey says.

"Clint, you've had a tough week. We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up," Tony says, all of us giggling.

"You know I've seen this before, right."

He grips onto the handle, a drink in his other hand. He pulls, but the hammer doesn't budge.

"I still don't know how you do it!" Clint says, chuckling.

He's clearly drunk, as are probably the rest of us.

"Smell the silent judgment?" Tony asks.

"Please... Stark, by all means."

Tony stands and dramatically unbuttoned his suit, strutting over to the hammer.

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge. It's physics."

"Physics?" Bruce asks as Tony puts the strap around his wrist.

"Right, so what, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?" Tony asks, looking at Thor.

"Yes, of course."

"I will be reinstituting prima nocta."

He pulls on the magic hammer, but it doesn't move. He then gets the palm of his suit and uses it, getting Rhodey roped in too.

Bruce then has a go, yelling as he let's go, failing to lift it. Everyone looks at him like he's weird.

Steve gets up and grabs Mjolnir snug, lifting it. He moves it by a smidge, then tries again as Thor's face falters. He can't get it up.

"And, Widow?" Bruce asks.

"Oh, no, no. That's not a question I need answered."

"Lady Y/n?" Thor asks.

"I'll give it a try," I say, playing with my hands as I walk to the hammer.

I breathe in heavily and grip tightly to the hammer, pulling it up and lifting it high.

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