chapter 12- Sokovia

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"Wanda?" I call, wondering through the tower.

I don't see her in the living room, or the kitchen, so I continue on to her room.

Glancing in, she sits in front of a picture. I turn to leave, but her voice stops me.

"Stay... Y/n."

I stand there for a few seconds before sitting cross-legged beside her.

"Do you recognise him?"

She shows me a picture of a guy, maybe 20, with brown hair, silver at the tips and it falls just over his eyebrows. He has a stubble of a beard, and a lean figure.

I shake my head, looking sadly at her.

"This is my twin brother, Pietro. He died when we were against Ultron. We were 19, at the time."

I give her a small hug, analysing the picture of the guy.

"Here, let me show you how he passed."

She presses her finger to my temple, reality shifting itself.

Looking around, beads of sweat fall from my forehead as Wanda is standing next to me, protecting some device.

I swerve my head around, then see the man, staring at something. It's Clint and a child.

I run forwards, but the guy beats me to it, disappearing and leaving a blue trail. He's now to the side of a car placed in front of Clint.

"You didn't see that coming?" The guy asks with a thick accent, raising an eyebrow slightly.

He collapses to the floor, blood escaping from bullet holes. I run over to him and take him in my arms, but he disappears.

I gasp heavily and turn to Wanda, regaining my breath. I give her a tight squeeze, letting her know I'm here for her.

As I pull away, I smile.

I turn to the statue for the Sokovia Memorial. Wanda by my side and tears streaming down her face, I gently pull her gaze to me, wiping her tears.

"Its okay, Love. You'll be okay," I assure, Wanda slowly nodding.

Sitting her on a bench nearby, I take her hand, smiling weakly at her.

"Wanda, there are no accidents. There are no coincidences. Only what is. Everything has happened for a reason. I don't know what that it, but it is special and important and worth the wait."

"You're right." Wanda nods after a deafening pause.

"There are 5 stages of grief: denial... anger... bargaining... depression... and acceptance. You need to have someone to help you get through this. This can be Vis, or Clint. Anyone who you know will understand you, or someone who loves you and is willing to put in the work to help you."

She smiles and leans her head against mine, her breathing soothing my mind of all the chaos.

"Why don't we go out for some ice-cream once this is over?"

"I'd like that."

I pull her up from her seat, dragging her to the statue again.

"Sokovia will always be remembered, and those killed will forever be honoured as heroes."

About 15 minutes later, I pull Wanda to the ice-cream shop.

"Buy whatever you want. My treat," I declare, grabbing my wallet.

She picks her ice-cream, and I pick mine, paying for both before taking a walk around the city.

"Thank you, Y/n. You have been there for me since I arrived. You have been so nice, even when I was so... evil."

"Who you were before you joined us was someone who was ragefull, and rightfully so. But you've grown."

"I really appreciate this, Y/n. I won't ever forget this."

"There no accidents or coincidences. Only what is," I whisper.

Wanda quickly turns her head to me, looking at me curiously. I look down, then take her hand.

"No regrets?" I ask.

"No regrets," Wanda says, smiling.

Getting up, I press a small kiss to her head.

"Ice-cream?" I ask, holding my hand out.

She smiles and takes my hand.

Walking to the kitchen, I force open the freezer, the door ripping off it's hinges.


Wanda flicks her hand, red smoke fixing the door back on.

I pick up 2 Cornetto ice-creams, handing one to her. We just chill in the kitchen until we're done, parting ways.

Walking to the living room, I see Peter. He's sitting on the sofa, reading a book. I sneak up behind him and cover his eyes, silently laughing.

"Who?" I ask, biting back a smile.

"Well... is it my beautiful and amazing girlfriend?"

I pull his head back so he looks upside down.

"You right!" I give him a peck on the lips before joining him on the sofa.

"Did you have a Cornetto?"

I nod.

He puts his book on the table and wraps an arm around my shoulder, kissing the top of my head.

"How are you adjusting to the tower, Darling?"

"Remember almost everyone."

"Who's left?"

"Steve," I answer, upset.

"Hey, cheer up, Sweetheart. You'll remember him. Hmm," he lifts my chin up, forcing me to be entranced by his luscious brown eyes.

I nod my head, glancing at his lips for a moment, then looking back up at his beautiful eyes.

Cupping my cheek in his hand, he presses his lips against mine, instantly pulling me into his lap. I rest my thumbs against his cheeks, caressing them ever so slightly.

His other hand slips under my shirt and trousers, but stops at my hips, rubbing it from time to time. I force myself not to shiver the moment his hand touches my skin.

"You like that, Baby?" He teases, chuckling before returning his lips to mine.

"Y' know I do," I smile, kissing down to his chest.

Resting my head against his chest, I give him a big hug, just happy I was at that funeral, and that I found him again.

"I love you, Darling ."

"I love you too, Baby."

Clearing of the throat causes me to look over the sofa. Steve is staring at the 2 of us, giving us both looks. Rolling my eyes, I gesture for Peter to look at Steve.

Once he sees him, he freezes, making me furrow my eyebrows. Peter gently places me on the sofa, taking my hands in his.

Steve leaves.

"Why afraid of Steve?"

"Well... Steve isn't the friendliest when it comes to our relationship. He's very pro-"

"Protective me. I know."

Peter gives a cute side-smile, pecking my cheek.


○○○○○memory restored- 90%○○○○○

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