𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖔

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Once Steve parked the car I was out. Nancy didn't try and stop me and I just speed walked to the front door. The second I entered, the hallway seemed to shrink and it reeked of sweat and alcohol. I persisted through the crowd and went to a table with drinks. I filled up a cup and chugged it pretty quickly. I scanned around the party and saw Nancy at the punch bowl. The punch tasted like shit and when I asked the guy what was in it, he just replied 'pure fuel.'

There was a table with food on it and no one was crowded around there. I walked over and sat on the table, I'm sure they won't care. I grabbed one of the mini bags of Doritos and ate them. Once there was only a few crumbs I tilted my head back and tilted the bag as well.
"Gross." I heard a familiar voice say. I rolled my eyes.
"Piss off." I said. Billy held his hands up in defeat.
"Is there any good drinks here?" He asked, changing the subject. I wanted good alcohol to, but it didn't seem like Tina had any.
"Nope not that I know of." I responded. I saw a cabinet and decided to look around. I hopped off the table and went over to that cabinet, billy started at me with confusion. I opened it and saw there was bottles of hard liquor. No one saw me grab one and bring it over to the table, everyone was already to drunk to comprehend anything.
"Score." I Said with a grin, billy smiled in return and held his cup out, I poured some in and spilt some on the table.
"Shit." I said. I was already technically stealing alcohol from what I assume are Tina's parents, plus I'm spilling it on the table. Not that they could tell the difference from this and the shitty punch.
"Thanks." Billy said and drank some out of his cup. I drank some straight out of the bottle and gagged.
"Woah." He said with a chuckle.
"What?" I asked, bringing the bottle to my lips once again.
"I didn't take you as the type to drink hard liquor."
"Me either." I said with a smile. I looked over to where Nancy was, but she wasn't there now. I frowned but soon got over it.

Billy and I talked for a bit, and surprisingly, he's not that big of a douche when intoxicated. By now I had finished the bottle and placed it down on the table.
"I gotta go, it's late." I said. I should have been home awhile ago, but my parents are gone on business, so the only person that would notice was my brother. I didn't know where Nancy or Steve was, so I was without a ride.
"You need a ride?" Billy asked. Almost as though he read my mind.
"No I can walk." I said.
"Ha, no."
"I'm not letting you walk home drunk." He said, his voice had a sense of protectiveness in it.
"I'm fine."
"Your not, your drunk off your ass."
"That doesn't mean I can't walk."
"Your a female, alone, drunk, and I'm not letting you walk home." He said
"Fine." I figured I wouldn't change his mind so I agreed. He nodded and we walked towards the front door. Except on the way, some drunk dude grabbed my ass. I gasped and slapped his hand away. Billy shoved him into a wall and put his arm around me.
"That's why I'm not letting you walk home." He said. Soon we were out the door and walking to his car.

He unlocked the car and I slipped in the passenger side. He got in the drivers seat and put the key in the ignition. Then flipped on the radio.
"Wait, your drunk to." I said.
"Not as drunk as you, sweetheart." He said and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and buckled up. Then we were driving away from the house. I head a huge headache, then I just laid back in the seat and closed my eyes.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Mhm. Just a headache." I replied. He turned the radio down a bit which helped a lot. The drive home was quiet, and he didn't speed like he usually does.

Once we pulled up to my house I sighed and unbuckled the seatbelt. I opened the door but paused.
"Thank you, again." I said with a smile, he smiled as well and we just stared at each other for a moment. I placed a kiss on his cheek then I was out of the car. He didn't drive off until I shut the door, just like he did earlier.
"Who was that?" My brother said, he scared me and I jumped. He had a huge grin on his face.
"Nobody." I responded.
"Well he drove you home twice, so he's not nobody."
"His name is billy, and he's kind of a douche." I said.
"Mhm." He said in disbelief.
"Get off my case." I said and drunkenly walked up the steps, almost falling several times. When I laid in my bed I was almost asleep, then I heard shouting.

There was always shouting, coming from Billy's house. Every night, without fail. As much as I wanted to resent him, I felt bad.
"I need a smoke." I whispered to myself. I quietly snuck past my brothers room and down the stairs, still almost falling several times. I went outside and grabbed a pack of cigarettes out of my jacket pocket. I walked further out into my driveway then I thought I heard someone, crying. I walked closer to the sound and it turns out the person was leaning against a busted streetlight, it was to dark to see who it was.
"Hello?" I called out.
"Fuck." The person said almost silently.
"I'm busy." They added. I recognized their voice and frowned.
"Billy-" I started.
"I said I'm busy." He snapped.
"Doing what?" I questioned.
"What's your fucking problem? Just get off my case." He said, you could still hear small sniffles coming from him.
"Fine, do you want a cigarette?" I asked.
"Sure." He said. I walked closer to him and passed the cigarette his way. I held out a lighter and he took it.
"Thanks." He said.
"Least I could do." I replied. He was oddly nice tonight, besides for school this morning. My eyes finally adjusted to the night and I saw him more clearly. He had a fresh cut on his cheek, and one along his jaw. He saw me stare and blew the smoke out his nose.
"Please stop staring." He simply said. He was calmer than before.
"Is that what the shouting was about?" I asked, figuring he would snap at me again, but he didn't, instead he nodded.
"Sorry." I said.
"What can you do?" He said sarcastically.
"You could come over, my parents are gone. Ya know if you just didn't want to be home." I said. He was being nice to me and I needed to return the favor.
"I thought you hated me?" He asked.
"Hate, no. Dislike sometimes, yes." I said and he let out a weak laugh.
"So, you wanna come over?" I asked. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, I've never had a dude over before.
"Sure." He said with a grin. I nodded and put out the cigarette I was smoking, so did he.

Word count: 1260

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