𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊

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I woke up in an familiar place, it was the back of Billy's car. He was in the drivers seat but we were stopped and he was sleeping. It was bright out maybe about 7:00? There was a blanket lazily flung over me and I pulled it closer upwards. The seats made a creaking noise as my skin hit it. Billy fumbled awake and quickly looked back. He rubbed his eyes and smiled when he realized it was me, I smiled in return.
"Morning." I whispered.
"Oh, if you wanted to head home, I'm right outside mine. I could walk you." He said. I perked my head up and looked out the window and I realized we were in fact outside his house. I nodded and started to get up.
"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked as we got out of the car.
"Didn't have the heart, you looked to peaceful." He said, he grabbed my hand and we walked side by side in the freezing breeze. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. He placed a kiss on my head and we continued to walk.

Once we reached my house, I messed around in my pockets for the keys. They weren't there.
"Shit." I muttered, then knocked on the door. I heard footsteps walk closer to it, but they were heavy.
"My dad." I said aloud. Billy grabbed my hand once again and squeezed it, I did the same. My dad slammed the door open and I flinched. Billy pulled me back a bit so I was standing semi behind him.
"Where the fuck have you been?" My dad sternly questioned.
"I- I was-" I couldn't even figure out a good lie at this point. Billy stood in front of me and my father looked down and saw us holding hands.
"She was with me sir." He emphasized the word sir.
"Who the fuck are you?" My dad questioned going to grab my wrist, billy grabbed his arm and shoved him off.
"Billy, billy Hargrove, I live down the street." Billy spat. My dad looked angry, really angry. I stayed behind billy with a petrified look on my face. My father glared at us both.
"Leave my daughter alone, or I'll call the cops." My dad said through gritted teeth. He pushed billy aside with force and he stumbled, he then grabbed my wrist and held me in the doorway.
"Leave her alone." Billy snapped.
"She doesn't want you, your no good. I've heard about you in the local news, boy." My dad spat.
"I do!" I yelled and pushed my dad.
"Your fucking done controlling me, I'm going with billy." I said and ran back to billy as fast as I could, there was a mark on my wrist.
"No! I will call the godamn cops." My dad said.
"If you promise not to lay a fucking hand on her, I'll let her go with you." Billy said protectively, I didn't want to go but I needed to change and shower, as well as ensure my brother is ok.
"Fine." My dad grumbled. Billy placed a kiss on my forehead and my dad scoffed, billy flipped him the bird. He let me go and I waved him goodbye. I reluctantly went inside and my dad stared me down. When he stood in the living room, I stood in front of him, unmoving. I wasn't looking at him, but instead the ground. My dad walked up to me and slapped me across the face, I didn't say anything, it thought that would be all he did, I was wrong. He threw me against the wall and I winced. Picture frames fell and the whole house shook.
"Is that who you covered for?!" My dad yelled, he had been drinking, bottles were scattered. I didn't answer, he picked up a bottle and threw it at me, some hit the side of my face snd blood was leaking down, I could feel it. I was dizzy and still didn't answer. He threw another bottle and this time it hit my leg. He stormed off up stairs and Jamie came running down.
"Holy shit." He said and looked at me.
"Language." I slurred the word. He didn't laugh and instead started picking glass up from around me.
"Go to your boyfriends." He said.
"Take the back way." He added.
"What about you?"
"Now!" He yelled. I quickly got up, stumbled, and made my way to the back door. I had no jacket, was wearing shorts, and a tank top. It was the end of November and it was snowing. The first time this year, it snowed.
"My fucking luck." I shivered and started walking to Billys. His parents weren't home and he was sitting on the porch. He dropped the cigarette in his hands and his mouth was open.
"The fuck?!" He questioned and ran towards me, I fell right to the ground, my leg was hurting and it was freezing. Once he got to me he pulled me up to him and slipped off his jacket. He threw it around me and I buried my head in his chest.
"Shit." I shivered. He picked me up, bridal style, and ran to his house.

"What happened?" Max asked, she looked horrified.
"I'm fine." I smiled.
"No! No your not fucking fine." Billy said to me.
"Max grab some clothes outta my closet." He yelled over his shoulder as we went to the bathroom. I saw max nod and run to Billy's room. Billy sat me on the edge of the tub and scammed me for any more injuries.
"That son of a bitch." Billy said loudly. Max ran in the bathroom and threw the clothes on the counter. She also came over and scanned the injuries.
"Peroxide, and paper towels. Maybe isopropyl alcohol." Max said, billy looked at her with a confused look.
"I skate." She added. She rummaged through the cabinets until she pulled out all the items.
"Thank you." Billy said, he looked at her and she looked confused, she smiled and ran out of the bathroom.
"So do you like never thank her?" I asked, slurring my words.
"Pretty much." He said. He grabbed a paper towel and started to wipe the blood away.
"Fuck!" I yelled, it stung, really bad. He put a hand up to my face and looked right in my eyes.
"It's ok." He said, I didn't believe that for a damn second. He slipped off his shirt and handed it to me, I looked at him with confusion.
"If it hurts, bite down on it." He said. I nodded and had a little bit of the shirt in my mouth, it was gross, sure, but it helped. He nodded and put some peroxide on the cut I had in my leg. I bit down, and hurt my jaw from it.
"Sorry." He said, he looked just as pained as I was. Once he finished with the leg wound and put a gauze pad on it. I spit out the shirt and gagged, he laughed a bit.
"Alright now we just have your face left." He said, his voice was low and he was thinking about what to do.


I didn't know what the hell to do, I couldn't stand to see her in pain. I decided to just do it normally, but quickly. I reached a hand out and held her face still while dabbing peroxide on her cut, very lightly. She looked directly in my eyes and I tried my best to ignore it.
"Your pretty." She said, with a smile. I laughed a bit.
"Gotta get your head checked after this." I said.
"I'm serious." She said, she didn't smile or laugh and it seemed like everything went still. We started into each others eyes for a bit. Before I knew it, her lips crashed into me. I pulled away.
"Nuh uh, we have to clean this up first." I said, she frowned and let out a groan. I let out a small laugh. I held her face still once again, she still stared right into my eyes. Her gaze faltered when she winced with pain.
"Fuck, sorry." Was all I could say, like I said, seeing her in pain made me feel terrible.


I was in pain, and billy looked sorry and worried. I loved him for that. Once he finished up, I pulled him into a hug. He hesitated but hugged me back. I buried my face in his neck, he placed a quick kiss on my head.
"Thank you." I said.
"Don't thank me please, it's the least I could do. It's my fault, I let you go back." He said, I heard a sniffle escape him and I pulled away. I kept my hands on his shoulders.
"No, no, don't do that." I said.
"Do what?"
"Blame yourself!"
"I let you go back." He said.
"I should have known he would hurt you." He added. He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and looked in my eyes, I could have died happy, here and now. He placed a kiss on my jawline and pulled away.
"I love you." I muttered, he smiled.
"Alright, we gotta get you changed." He said, he put his hands on his hips. He threw the clothes at me and turned to face the wall. I couldn't help but laugh.
"What are you laughing at?" He asked.
"You." I said, I quickly put the warmer clothes on. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around, he smiled and I pulled him into a hug once again. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I wanted to be with him.

AN: Im gonna start to finish up this story, no season 3, because I cried when I first watched it. But a few more chapters and we're probably done!  :)

Word count: 1661

𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖙 || Billy Hargrove Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum