A Dream Come Truth

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Sarvin POV: I said "Ruvina...you have been my friend for years now and I been having this feeling in my chest for awhile now, 

so I felt like this was a great time to confess...Ruvina I love you." Of course I was nervous about being rejected.

Ruvina POV: I stood there in silence until I grabbed his shirt and said "I do too" and pulled him into a kiss, while that was happening I could feel his heartbeat but it wasn't pumping fast like always which surprised me a little.

Sarvin POV: My mind was racing when she pulled me into a kiss once we pulled away We we're both blushing very hard. 

After we we're done we walked back into the church holding hands, I felt very happy that she love's me too.

Later that day-

Ruvina POV: I saw Sarvin sitting on the couch with his phone I sat next to him and hugged him, he hugged me back "Well someone want's attention" he said with a chuckle.

 "Yeah why not" I replied back I ended up sleeping while cuddling him.

Sarvin POV: Ruvina was sleeping on me I was blushing a little bit, I closed my eyes too and slept as well. That day was very special to me.


Boom another chapter done (of course it isn't perfect but I'm still proud of myself🥲)


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