Vacation Pt.1

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Sarvin POV: Ruvina and I always wanted to go on a trip, but didn't know where to visit. I thought for some time, "Paris!" I hadn't been there for so long. I told Ruvina about the idea she happily agreed to it, I quickly bought the tickets for first class. 

That night we started packing our bags, the flight was at 7AM I set up an alarm for 6AM on my phone so we won't be late for our flight. After we finished packing our stuff we quickly drifted to sleep.


Early in the morning 

Ruvina POV: Sarvin alarm went off I quickly sat up with my eyes wide open, Sarvin got scared of the alarm it made him fall of the bed. I tried to hold my laugh but I couldn't, "Are you ok?!" I said while laughing. "Ye-yep" he said while trying to get up.

 I got up to help him up from the floor, after that happened we got dressed. We grabbed our bags and left the church, we got into the car and drove to the airport. We we're only 30 minutes away from the airport.

Sarvin POV: Once we got to the airport I got out of the car and grabbed both our bags and walked in, we both sat down waiting for our flight. A couple minutes go by, then the flight was ready to allow passengers on. We got up from our seat's and headed to the plane,

we put our bags away and finally sat down. We both sighed from exhaustion, my eyes we're starting to feel heavy. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Ruvina POV: I looked at Sarvin to see him sleep again, I caressed his cheek and gave him a kiss on his cheek. I let him sleep for some more, I went on my phone while that was happening I started closing my eyes too. I then went back to sleep as well.


I GO BACK TO SCHOOL IN 3 DAYS😩😩😩 don't worry that won't stop me from updating this story but pray for me 😭.


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