Meeting Parents

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Ok I labeled this so people won't be confused 

Rschvan: Father 

Kruvetta: Mother


2 Weeks Earlier before the proposal-

Sarvin POV: It was all calm before Ruvina suggested of me meeting her parents, I was nervous at first when she said that. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

 I asked her "Yeah! Why you seemed like you don't want to?" "Well I'm scared if they don't accept me for me to marry you." I said to her nervously, 

"Don't worry my parents know we're dating and the good thing is they don't know your the devil." She said to make me feel a bit calmer

I looked at her and said "Ok that's great." I said with a bit of confidence.

Ruvina POV: I knew saying that would make Sarvin very nervous and concerned, but the good part is that he's a bit calmer now.

 I texted my mom that we'll be there at 2:00, then I looked to check what time it was and saw it was 11:00 so we still had time. I looked over at Sarvin to see him breathing hard,

 I sat next to him and calmed him down. By giving hugs and kisses after I finished, he laughed and calmed down. 

We both went downstairs to make breakfast, both of us just decided waffles. Because we we're kinda running out of time.


Sarvin POV: We finished our food and Ruvina looked at her phone to see what time it was. *Gasp* "It's almost 1:00! And we said we we're going to be there at 2:00," 

she said. I then got up put the dirty dishes in the sink, and went upstairs to change. I picked out a light pink shirt with some black shorts and white shoes,

after I was done changing I went downstairs to wait for Ruvina. A minute goes by and she came downstairs, "Ready to go?" She asked me "Yeah!" I said with a bit of excitement. 

When we go into the car I was already thinking negatively before I was going to drive, Ruvina knows when I'm nervous she grabbed my hand 

"Hey it's ok I'm quite nervous myself." I smiled at her and started driving.

Ruvina POV: I texted my mom that we we're heading there, I was sitting there wondering what they think about Sarvin. There's nothing wrong with him,

 he's caring, kind and protective around me. But the only con in that he's the devil and wondering how they will react, but I'll just keep it a secret.

We we're getting close to their house and my heart started beating fast, but controlled myself from having a whole panic attack.


Rschvan POV: I was excited to meet this boyfriend of her's, I've always hear about her talking about him on and on. I had high expectations about him, 

like being protective to her, caring about her, and not being stupid. Kruvetta then told me that they were almost here, 

my heart then started beating a little fast but kept my cool. Minutes go by and the doorbell rang, I then jumped from the couch and I walked up to the door and opened it.

 "Ruvina! Ah I missed you" I said as I hugged her, she hugged me back "Aw I missed you too dad". I let go of her and shook her boyfriends hand,

 "Name is Rschvan I said to him with a small smile". "N-name is S-Sarvin..." he said to me with a nervous smile, I laughed and allowed them to come inside.

Kruvetta POV: I was so excited to see Ruvina again, gosh I don't remember the last time I saw her. I think it was before she was going to move in with her boyfriend,

 I walked up to her and hugged her very tight. "Hey mom" Ruvina said to me with a smile "Ugh you have no idea how much I missed you" 

I said to her, then her boyfriend said his name was "Sarvin" I smiled at him and said to him "Well nice to meet you Sarvin."

I then told both of them to sit at the table so we could talk about them or him, then they both sat down and we just chatted about of how they were doing and all that stuff.

Sarvin POV: After Rschvan started to ask me "Where are you from" and I simply said "France", and other questions like where do I work etc. 

 We chatted for a bit then Ruvina asked to her parents, if I was accepted to the family (ok look I don't know how this works ok :D so don't make fun of me) 

both of them looked at each other. Then there's was a long silence, and they both said "yes" with excitement, 

Ruvina and I got our breath taking away when they said that. I jumped from my chair with excitement and hugged Ruvina, 

both of her parents were laughing. A couple of hours go by and we both said goodbye to them and left their house,

 I took a deep breath and Ruvina looked at me and said. "See I told you it won't be that bad", I laughed as I was getting into the car and drove back home.


IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING A WHOLE MONTH TO RELEASE A NEW CHAPTER, school just got in the way with essays, tests, and projects but now I did so enjoy. So yeah I just got this idea from my head before making the last chapter ok now bye : D

Words: 913

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