The Proposal (PART 2)

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Sarvin POV: I walked into kitchen wondering what to make for dinner, I then decided to make classic spaghetti.

 I started to grab the recipes and started cooking, during when I was cooking I couldn't get the excitement off my mind,

 I wanted to propose to her already but I needed to wait. About 30-20 minutes go by and I had finally finished making the food, "Food's done!" I told Ruvina. 

She got up from the couch, and sat down on the chair. I grabbed both of our foods and served her first then myself.

Ruvina POV: The food smelled pretty good, I gave Sarvin a complement on the food. He blushed and smiled at me "Thanks it wasn't easy to make,"

 he sat down and we both started eating. Sarvin then told me "I have something special to show you after we are done eating! Is it ok if I show you?" 

Saying it with excitement. I was a bit confused of what he was going to show me, but told him yes. We then started talking about our day and random stuff.

Sarvin POV: We both finished our food, I then grabbed our plates to wash them. After I was done, I dried my hands and quietly went upstairs to grab the ring box.

 Thank god Ruvina didn't find it, I put it in my pocket and went back downstairs. Ruvina seemed to be on her phone on the couch waiting for me,

 I walked up to her "Are you ready for the surprised?" I asked her. She then got up and nodded her head, I grabbed her hand and took her outside.

 I took her to a cherry blossom tree close to the church, I looked at her and she seemed to be confused of why I brought her here.

Ruvina POV: "Why did you bring me here Sarvin?" I asked him, " had been my only friend ever since we we're kids now we're in a relationship and I thought it was the perfect time to ask this." 

After he said that he let go of my hands and got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box, to reveal a beautiful ring. I covered my mouth with both of my hands, 

I started having tears falling down my face."Will you marry me?" With a bit of tears on his face while saying it, "Yes!" Sarvin then got up to hug me. 

I cried on his shoulder for a couple seconds, we pulled away so Sarvin could put the ring on my finger. Sarvin then grabbed my face softy and pulled me for a long soft kiss.


Don't cry yet there's still one more chapter coming soon! Just want to say thanks for all the support and thanks for not making fun of me .-. But anyways have a good day!


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