Chapter 11

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Taira's POV:

Tsunade gave me some keys and a little bit of money to start out on. Kotetsu walked me to my apartment. He was silent with this look on his face like he was daydreaming so I didn't break the silence. When we arrived at my door he turned to me.

"So Lady Tsunade will probably call you in to test you body's ninja abilities because even if your mind forgot your body won't. Just stay calm when you go for the test though okay?" He said giving a smile that I returned with a nod.

"Will do. Thank you for escorting me." I truly thanked him because if I were alone is get lost since I wasn't provided a map.

"No problem. Maybe I can show you around the village sometime?" He asked while blushing and looking away in embarrassment. I've been told I'm cute but do I seriously have this affect on people?

"Sure. How about tomorrow if I'm not called for this test." I agreed and he smiled walking backwards.

"Awesome! Just stay inside if your not called I'll come here before my guard shift!" He said excited then turned to leave.

I didn't bother replying and simply opened my door. As soon as it closed I started putting up defenses incase of a break in and so people couldn't spy in my house orsee my Akatsuki gear.

This took about an hour and afterwards I started unpacking my belongings and placing them where I felt comfortable doing so.

My stomach growled in the middle of this and I sighed knowing I'd have to go shopping for food afterwards to be able to eat and satisfy my hunger.

I sped through unpacking and looked out my window to see the sun declining toward the horizon. I sighed and grabbed my money leaving my new home and running toward the closest supermarket in hopes they were still open.

On the way I bumped into a blonde haired boy around my age and we both stumbled. I sensed the nine tails inside him and put on my innocent mask again.

"O-oh! Sorry I didn't m-mean to." I stuttered out and looked down shyly.

"No problem at all! I shoulda watched where I was going!" He basically shouted while rubbing the back of his neck. "You ain't from around here are you?" He asked and I shook my head a little. He extended his hand to me with a smile I saw through my lashes and spoke loudly, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki!"

I slowly took his hand and shook it. "I-I'm Taira." I mumbled but he still heard me as he smiled more.

He's the nine tailed jinjuriki I need to get information on for Pein. I can tell from the name on my mission report I received earlier.

"That's a nice and unique name that I haven't heard before." He said overly happy.

"T-thanks." I whispered while tucking my hair behind my ear. I felt myself blush some because I have not been complimented like this before. I started to awkwardly continue to the store.

"So what are you doing?" He asked while falling into step beside me.

"I'm going to the store to get food since I just got here today so I have yet to stock my fridge. " I explained and he nodded linking his hands behind his head while looking up at the darkening sky.

"That makes sense. Are you gonna be a ninja here?" Man he's nosey.

"Well I don't know because I lost my memory so I don't know if I have the abilities to be one but I will find out when the Hokage tests my muscle memory." I explained giving a fake hopeless sigh. "I don't know what to expect."

"Don't worry! Just have faith and believe that you can and you will succeed!" He shouted up at the sky wearing a large goofy grin that I couldn't help but give a small smile in return to.

"I'll try." I said softly and walked into the a small store him afoul owing along.

"Wait have you been to Ichraku's ramen yet?" He asked and I shook my head. At this Naruto started rambling on about how amazing this place is and what he likes to eat there. Only half listening I gathered a variety of food to make meals for the week and quickly paid for it to receive a couple bags of my purchase.

Naruto seemed to notice this and grabbed half the bags while grabbing my hand and yanking me in the opposite direction from my new home.

"I'll treat you to a bowl of Ichiraku ramen for tonight." He shouted and I sighed letting him drag me to this place.

Is this boy really who I'm supposed to get information on?


Who should this be a love story of if anyone? And I'm fighting auto-correct TT~TT




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