Chapter 12

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Taira's POV:

After being basically force fed a bowl of ramen by Naruto we left and started heading back to my apartment since currently I didn't know where I was. He dragged me back to the store from before while rambling again on his assumption that I loved the ramen.

I just kept my mouth shut because I wanted to go crawl into a bed and pass out into a food coma.

How is this the jinjuriki? He is so stupid and distracted. Honestly if I wanted to I could kill him now. But that isn't my mission, no I just need to stick in there and gather as much information as I can before I go back to the base. Maybe it's not entirely his fault for being stupid. After all the entire population has not questioned my story or had me interfaces upon its utterance. This whole land of fire may be as ignorant as him.

"Taira-chan are you even listening to me????" Naruto shook my shoulder. We were stopped in from of the store from earlier and he gazed at me with his eyes narrowed. If I didn't know better I would have thought he was suspicious of me.

"Sorry I was thinking about tomorrow. The Hokage thinks I'm a ninja so I have to spar with someone tomorrow. She thinks my muscles will remember stuff but I'm unsure I will." I told him looking down in fake worry. He falls for it and pats my head.

"Don't worry Taira-chan!! I know you can do it. Just trust your body and tell them to start you slow!" I looked up to see him beaming down at me.

"O-ok I'll do that." I gave him a small smile and stepped away from his hand. "I better go get some sleep though. Otherwise I'll be to tired tomorrow."

"Okay sleep well Taira-chan!" He waved at me as I started to walk back toward my apartment.

I quickly climbed the stairs and entered my apartment. I placed my groceries away and went to my bedroom.

I pulled Itachi's robe out of my locked drawer. I changed into it and crawled in bed. I curled into ball snuggling my new pillow.

This place... It doesn't smell like home. I miss them, my family in this realm. How am I to protect them if I do not know when I will return. I hope nothing bad happens to them.

Slowly my consciousness faded into a dreamless sleep.

--- Morning ---

Slowly I cracked my eyes open as the first rays of pesky sunlight pierced my eyelids.

Caves are so much better for sleeping in. I need better blinds on the windows.

I sat up and stretched before crawling out off bed like a cat. I padded to the bathroom and showered quickly before dressing and getting ready for the day.

I tucked Itachi's cloak back in the drawer while strapping my weapons pouch, twin swords, and razored gloves to my body. I left without breakfast and made my way toward the Holage's office.

Few people dotted the streets. Mainly normal citizens setting up their shops and those who needed to get to their early shifts caused dust to rise off the floor. Why is everything here so... simple? It's as if they don't expect people to want information on the ninja here.

A sigh slipped from my lips as the Hokage mountain and building grew closer. How much should I hold back?

Obviously no killing and no high level jutsus. But should I use the entirety of my strength or tactics? No if I do then it'll be obvious that I was lying... For sure I need to seem surprised at my own abilities through out the whole thing. Considering that they won't want to take to long they will put me against someone of great strength and restraint so they can judge my abilities as soon as possible.

I jogged up the staircase still lost in my thoughts. My knuckles tapping against the office doors brought me to reality.

"Come in!" Came Tsunade's voice. My stoic face melted into a nervous one as I opened the door and shuffled in.

"M-morning Hokage-sama."

"Good morning Taira. I see you found morning weapons." Her eyes lingered on my gloves and swords.

"Yeah I looked through my stuff and found them. I didn't want to leave them home and make it seem like I'm hiding anything. Plus I'm a little jittery about fighting someone. I figured with these weapons maybe I'll do better." I rubbed the back of my head nervously. Her eyes shifted up to my face seeming to believe me.

"True more weapons can never truly hurt but after today do not wear those gloves casually. Those are dangerous for the normal citizens to be around." She scolded almost like a mother.

"I understand Holage-sama." I bowed in apology and understanding.

"Now we just need to wait on your opponent." She smiled and gestured to a small bench seat close to the door. I nodded and sat on it my leg bouncing a little in fake nerves and my back tense.

After a while a knock sounded at the door and in came an all to familiar ninja.

So I know I've been gone a long time. But a lot happened. I came close to commuting suicide and I've lost people close to me and had many close calls in loosing others. So to say the least I've been stressed. In August I'll be leaving for college so yeah. I'll try to update more often.

In terms of opponents I'm debating between two people but I'm unsure which I'll choose yet.





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