Chapter 6

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Taira's POV:

After being poked, prodded, and examined for over an hour I was given a clean and perfect bill of health. Kisame then picked me up with a sharky smile.

"Let's go eat litle one." He said and my stomach decided to answer with a big growl that Caused me to blush. I nodded and he walked throught the maze like hallways untill we got to a small kitchen.

In the kitchen was Deidara making some kind of sandwhich for himself.

"Dei!!" I shouted and he jumped a few feet before looking over at me like I was insane.

"What, un?" He asked and I beamed at him.

"Make me a sandwhch too!!" I demanded like I was his boss and Kisame chuckled softly at this.

"No, yeah." Deidara said.

"So which is it? No or yeah?" I asked getting confused and kisame full on laughed at this.

"No I will not make you a sandwhich, un." Deidara grumbled getting angry with me. Or maybe he was hangry (A/N: hungry + angry for those who are unaware), I mean that sandwhich was monsterous and delicious looking.

"But I want a sandwhich like that~!!" I whined at him while pointing at the sandwhich like the child I was.

"No, un. This is mine now leave me alone before I lose my temper and blow you up." He grumbled as he picked up his sandwhich and left the room.

"Daddy would kill you if you even tried to hurt me!" I yelled after him then looked up at Kisame. "Make me food." I ordered him simply.

"Kid you shouldn't order us around we're S ranked criminals. If u want someone to order around order Hidan around. " Kisame explained and set me on the counter so he could make me a big sandwhich.

"Why only him? I asked curiously as I watched him assemble my sandwhich.

"Because he worships your father and you will have the most leverage over him. You can control him like you would a slave because you could ask your dad to end his immortal life." He said and put my sandwhich on a plate. He picked me up and set me at the table and put the sandwhich infront of me before he went to clean up the sandwhich construction site.

"So he'll be my loyal bitch?" I asked and took a big bite of my sandwhich loving the taste of the ham with lettuce. Mirical Whip. and cheese.

"Kind of." Kisame said from the kitchen before coming and siting across from me. "So kid you are going to be a part of our organization from now on so you will have to train and get strong to help us achieve the Leader's goal, okay?" I nodded and kept eating my sandwhich not really paying attention to what he was saying.

All I really heard was, "Nom nom nom... join... nom nom nom... goal, okay?" but he didnt seem to notice I wasn't paying attention to his 'words' that made him sound like the Cookie Monster.

When I finished my sandwhich I looked up at him.

"Kisame I'm bored~!" I whined while dragging out "bored". He chuckled at me.

"Well kid later you'll meet all the members and then we can try to find something to keep u entertained." He said.

"How long will I have to wait?" I asked while climbing out of the chair. I crawled under the table and climbed up the back of his chair and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He glanced back at me. "Whatcha trying to do kid?" He asked while liftingan eyebrow at me curiously.

"carry me to where I'll be meeting the members I wanna nap in there untill it's time." I mummbled snuggling into his shoulder giving a small yawn. He chuckled at me.

"What happened to all that energy you just had?" He asked while slowly getting up from the chair and grabbing my plate from acoss the table. He went to the sink and placed the plate in it before going down a hallway to where I assume I'd be meeting the other members.

"Food makes me tired." I mumbled and it was muffled by his shoulder more but I think he heard me because he started chuckling again.

"Okay then kid. Should I put you in A hiding place untill all the members get to the meeting room? You could try to scare them then if you want." He said happily. His steps were so smooth as he walked that I wasn't jostled even the slightest bit. I started to drift ino sleep on his shoulder as I barely nodded in response to his question because I couldn't seem to find my voice as waves of unconciousness washed over me.

I faintly heard a door creak open and Kisame speak though I couldn't decifer the words as I finally fell 100 percent unconcious.


Next chapter is finally up hope you enjoy. 




Outcast. Rogue. Akatsuki? (Naruto/Akatsuki fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن