Chapter 7

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Taira's POV:
I woke up to a lot of voices muttering to one another. I lifted my head and noticed I was under a circular table with many feet surrounding me.

"Where is this new member?" A voice asked that hissed the s like a snake.

"I don't know..." Muttered the commanding voice of the leader.

I giggled softly and all the voices silenced themselves. I crawled toward the blue toes because I knew that would be Kisame and crawled up into his lap facing the rest of the table. I smiled a megawatt smile at them before speaking.

"I'm the new member nice to meet you all!"

"Great yet another beat for me to deal with." Grumbled a deep voiced puppet. I looked at the puppet funny.

"Why are you hiding inside the puppet?" I asked him and he stared at me intensely.

"Because one can never predict the future so I stay within my art to make sure I'm ready for any problem that may arise." He responded.

"Oh that makes sense." I said and smiles at him. I turned my attention to the man who resembles a snake and frowned. " You look like a disgusting pediphile, if you come near me I'll send my bitch to give you a slow painful death." I said calmly then turned my attention away once again ignoring the shocked look I was receiving from many people.

I heard laughing erupting from Hidan due to my words. I stood up and flung myself at him making myself comfortable in his lap which shut u him up. "You are my bitch Hidan and if you try to disobey me I'll have daddy kill you or take away your immortality where I can kill. "

He opened his mouth as if to respond but thought better of it as he shut his mouth and remained quiet. I look around the room more and focused on the slew deprived Uchiha.

"Your holding a secret I can tell." I giggled and smiled at him. I then saw a Kakazu and smiles.

"If you want to earn more money put the tranny out on the corner to hook in perverted bounties." I said and I saw a hint of amusement and interest in his green eyes.

I heard a weird sound and turned my head and say a half white and half black man fusing out of the wall. I squealed at this and smiled. "That's so cool!!!! Can you teach me???" The only thing I received in returned was a deadpan look from the man.

Next came the bouncing lollipop behind leader who appeared as if he was on the ultimate sugar high. "Whatever drug your on keep it away from me."
Hidan was laughing so hard he was almost toppling the chair we were in by this point.

The leader cleared his throat. "Please refrain from saying these things. You are now a part of the Akatsuki so be ready for hard core physical and mental training. " he said and I simply nodded in response.

I figure it sucks but I wanted to get an update out. I'm sorry if you didn't enjoy the chapter I'll try to make future chapters better.





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