Chapter 1: Cool Kid

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El crushed the dying flower in her hands and glared at the dark shadows polluting the sky. She turned to Hopper, "we need to stop this."

"And we will." Hopper nodded, staring dumbfounded at his surroundings. He knew something went down in Hawkins from the news, but he didn't think it would be this bad. He turned to Jonathan and Mike, "call everyone and tell them to come to the cabin."

The pair nodded and ran to find the nearest phone and walkie talkie.

A bolt of blood-red lightning illuminated a shadow-like figure within the dark clouds. Will shuddered as he saw it. His body frozen and mind tormented with memories of when he was taken by the Mind Flayer. His breath quickened and Joyce looked at him worriedly.

"Let's get inside."

The others followed Joyce into the cabin. They stood around the kitchen in silence; fear consuming their thoughts. It wasn't until Mike and Jonathan returned 'til they started talking.

"Steve's going to stop at the hospital to get Lucas and Erica," Jonathan stated before leaning against a broken table.

Everyone looked at each other gloomily: the atmosphere in the room turning bleak.

Nancy looked outside the window and frowned at the white spores filling the air.

El stepped away from the wall.

"I will not be able to close the gate this time," she feared, "it's too big. We will have to destroy One. It is the only way."

"But how?" Mike sighed, "he's probably angrier at us now and he won't stop."

Will stared at his hands, "I can feel him, he's hurt. But Mike's right, he's even more determined. He won't stop."

Jonathan rested his hand gently on Nancy's shoulder. "He's already won, right? So what else could he possibly want?"

"The world." Nancy answered hopelessly.

"I have a question," Hopper spoke up with a baffled expression.

Joyce nodded, "yeah, who's Vecna?"


Steve made his way through the hospital. His eyes scanning every sign and number on the wall. Hospitals always freaked him out. He didn't know why. Maybe it was because lately his friends always seemed to end up there. Dustin and Robin wanted to join him, but he convinced them to wait in the car. He wanted to visit Max anyway so it was only a matter of time.

He ran his hands through his hair nervously before knocking on the hospital door.

"Come in," a voice replied.

He pushed open the door slowly and closed it behind him before walking towards the bed, where Max lay unconscious.

Lucas looked up from his book, "hey."

"Hey," He smiled as he noticed Erica reading a DnD manual next to her brother.

"I, er... brought this," Steve reached into his pocket and pulled out a small plastic car. He placed it on the table and sighed, "she didn't deserve what happened to her."

"No, she didn't," Lucas agreed. He looked at Max sorrowfully. "I just need her to wake up. I need her to be okay." He took a deep breath as Erica held his hand in reassurance. Lucas looked at her gratefully.

"She'll wake up," Erica nodded with confidence. "It's Max."

"I... I read the letter she wrote for me," Steve sighed.

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