Chapter 11: We Can be Heroes

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The morning was just as hectic as Steve expected.

The group had made sure to wake up five hours before Robin and Nancy's alarm. They knew they had to be as prepared as possible and the only way to do that was to use their time wisely.

As soon as everyone woke up from their restless slumbers, they made sure to fill their stomachs with food that Steve, Dustin, Robin and Vickie had brought the day before.

After that, Jonathan, Hopper and Nancy spent the majority of the morning setting traps throughout town. They figured it was worth it if some monsters got caught.

Once they got back, everyone was in the middle of sorting out their armour.

Due to Hopper, Joyce, Steve, Jonathan and Nancy's request: the boys wore the most padding (much to Mike's dismay).

He wore baking trays duct-taped to his chest and back. Elbow pads and knee pads protected his joints (similar to all four boys) as a circular pair of goggles protected his eyes. He wrapped an autumnal scarf around his mouth and nose to defend his lungs from the poisonous spores in the air. His walkie talkie hung from his belt and he held onto his new sword proudly. He felt like his DnD character whenever he wielded it.

Will was adamant in his wearing of a bicycle helmet. As well as that, he wore football shoulder pads that Mike thought made him look extremely muscular. "Like He-Man!" He had said, causing Will to grin widely, "well, we do have similar haircuts. Maybe I should go blonde."

As well as that, Will wore his rucksack: filled with bullets for his shotgun. He held it in his gloved hands; sighing deeply as he remembered the last time he had used a gun. The day he was taken.

Lucas wore his camouflage bandana wrapped around his head. Steve had brought him a camouflage armour vest to match. With this, he wore his tactical belt which he attached his walkie and his torch. Finger-less gloves held onto his new bow (courtesy of Vickie) and his backpack held all of his arrows (as well as a first aid kid... just in case.) He kept his skateboard by his side as he tied the laces to his boots.

Dustin took inspiration from when he trapped D'art after he ate his cat. He wore the padded lacrosse chest protector, as well as the lacrosse helmet, face mask, shin guards and shoulder pads. In his hands he held onto a nail-shield and his beloved axe.

Jonathan made sure to document the outfits with his camera; an amused smile of his face as the kids posed dramatically for each picture. Nancy stood by his side; laughing along. This lead to a larger photoshoot with everyone. He figured afterwards that he may as well bring his camera with him for the battle. He was sure Max would want to see the pictures once she woke up.

Erica was very amused at the boys' "armour" and was very pleased that she didn't have to wear anything like that herself. Although that didn't stop her from placing bright stickers over her brother's bow. A nervous smile on her face, "you gave me wrist-rocket so you'll be there, figuratively, when I'm fighting. Now I'll be with you when you fight."

Lucas had been extremely touched by the sentiment: hugging his little sister. "You better not get hurt. I don't know how I'll explain it to mom and dad."

"Same goes to you, nerd," she smiled.

During this conversation, Will spent his time tying Mike's hair up in a low bun. He stated that it would keep it out from his face as he fought. Mike was blushing furiously as he did so; refusing to look up from his hands as a small smile brightened his features.

Nancy had heard that the majority of the town had joined the meeting she had created: including all their families. That was a relief to many people in the cabin. They didn't want their family to be in the midst of a fight against an unknown evil.

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