Chapter 7: Night and Day

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This chapter is a flashback until the final event of last chapter.


Dustin's agonized cry echoed across the Upside Down. He held onto his friend, his lifeless eyes staring through him. His breath hitched as he looked around for help. For anyone who could save his friend. Where was Steve? Where was Nancy and Robin? Where was help?

His hands shook as he carefully slid Eddie onto the floor. Sobbing inconsolably, he closed his friend's eyes. Dustin took off his own jacket and placed it over his friend like a blanket. He reached for his shield and gently moved Eddie's fingers around the handle.

He reached for his necklace and thought of Mr Munson regretfully. Carefully undoing it from Eddie's neck, he shoved it into his pocket.

Hesitantly, he glanced back at Eddie's face; another heart breaking scream erupting from his chest. Hugging his knees, he rocked back and forth.

He heard footsteps approaching him, but didn't dare to look up. It could be the demogorgon for all he cared.

Eddie was dead. Brave, weird, loyal, innocent Eddie. He died saving a town that hated him. It wasn't fair.

A gentle hand gripped his shoulder accompanied by a soft voice. Steve.

"Henderson, Henderson we need to go. I'm so sorry, we need to go."

Dustin weeped mournfully before lifting his head and wrapping his arms around Steve. Hugging him tightly.

He had closed his eyes; his mind fuzzy. He was back in Hawkins when he opened them again. He didn't remember moving. Steve must have led him there, he realised later on.

His devastation over Eddie only increased once he realised Vecna had won. He had died for nothing. He had died. He was dead.

Dustin spent that night sobbing into his pillow; grieving the loss of one of his closest friends.


Meanwhile, in the Upside Down, Vecna stumbled forward, leaving a trail of blood and gore behind him. He held onto a metal fence with his clawed hand, growling in anger. He looked down and touched his shoulder with a pained groan.

He was no longer on fire, but his body was red raw and crisp with burns.

An immense amount of fury raged through his every being. He was never going to stop. He could not wait for the day 011 died. He could not wait for the day the Upside Down had taken over the world. He could not wait to win.

Before he continued walking, something caught his eye. Tilting his head and squinting, he saw the form of a dead body.

He willed the vines to lift the corpse from the ground and towards him so he could get a better look.

Interesting, he thought as he saw him. He must have been friends with Max, he noted before checking his pulse. It was faint, but unmistakably there. He growled as an idea formed in his mind. If he couldn't get to 011, she would come to him.

With a tilt of his head, he woke him up. The vines carried him back to the floor as Vecna walked away; an evil sneer plastered on his face as he disappeared beyond the trees.

Day One:

Spluttering, crying and gasping; Eddie slammed his eyes open, his mouth agape as he tried to breathe.

His hands shook as he lifted them to his face in disbelief. Images of demobats ripping out his flesh ran through his mind. How was he alive?

He sat up carefully, wincing at the sharp pain in his torso. Looking down, he saw bloody flaps of skin and bites. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and wiped the blood away from his mouth. He glanced around at his environment; panic flowing from his dark eyes.

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