Chapter 3: The Ocean - Part 2

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Argyle, Nancy and Jonathan entered through the front door of the cabin.

As soon as they walked through the door, Nancy and Jonathan walked to opposite sides of the house. They had been silent with one another for the whole journey and Argyle had regrettably been in the middle of it.

Argyle walked towards the sofa and chuckled at Steve and Dustin, who were performing their secret handshake.

Joyce ran to her oldest son and pulled him into a hug. She mumbled nonsense under her breath; too quick for Jonathan to understand.

"Mom? Mom, what's wrong? What happened?" He pulled away and looked at her fear stricken features.

His mind raced with possibilities of what could have happened as his heart pounded in his chest.

"It's Will. He... he had a vision, thing. And saw Vecna. He got given a choice and I don't think it's a good one. Jonathan, Will is going to get taken again. He wants to be a spy to get Max back. I need you to talk him out of it. I can't lose my boy again. I can't, I-"

"Okay, mom, mom, stop," Jonathan looked into her eyes and nodded with a calm expression. "I'll talk to him. I'll talk to him, okay?"

"Okay, okay," she exhaled deeply before squeezing her son's hand. She smiled at him gratefully and walked over to Hopper as Jonathan went to find his little brother.

He was about to knock on the door of El's room, but noticed he was sat with Mike.

"Can I sit?" Mike asked quietly, gesturing towards the space beside Will.

He nodded.

Mike sat down and looked down at his hands, guilt radiating off of him. "I'm sorry."

Will looked up as he continued. "I know I was acting crazy back there. I'm just... scared. Really scared. I can't lose you again."

Will nodded, "it's okay..."

"No! That's the problem! It's not okay," he scowled at himself. "I was being an idiot. I know you can do this. I know you can. And you're not useless either. You're Will the Wise. If anyone can do this, it's you."

Will smiled, "thanks, Mike."

"Can I tell you something?" He asked with a shy glance. "It's kind of... corny, but I think it's important for you to hear."

Will nodded.

He couldn't help but study the way Mike stared at him. His hair hung messily over his forehead and his smile was soft and kind. Guilt still resided in his eyes, yet there was still a hint of brightness shining back at him.

"I..." he sighed. "I get so scared of losing you, that I act out. I'm mean in the heat of the moment. Like, you're this incredible, amazing person and I'm just... me. It's stupid... I just... I don't know." He closed his eyes. "You're my best friend, Will. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry that I acted like a complete crazy person."

Will smiled as he accepted the apology. "Crazy together, right?"

"Crazy together," Mike chuckled, his face growing warm.

Will quickly looked away as he fiddled with his hands. He sniffled before smiling softly, "everything's going to work out in the end, right?"

"Yeah, I hope so," Mike nodded. "We still have a DnD game to play." He smirked as they shared a soft glance.

Mike couldn't help the calm feeling that overtook him whenever he hung out with Will. It was like everything stopped. The Earth was put on pause. Everyone froze, apart from them.

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