Chapter 6: The Arachnids - Part 2

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Robin held an old receipt in her hand as she dialled Vickie's number into the phone. She stuck out her tongue in concentration as she pushed the phone against her ear and crossed her fingers.

She groaned: no reply. Hanging up the phone, she walked to the kitchen and sat on the counter beside Will.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a gentle voice, his eyebrows knitted together in concern.

"I'm just worried about Vickie," she fiddled with her hands. "With everything that's going on. The spiders. I just want to make sure she's okay."

"I'm sure she's fine," he reassured her with a small smile.

Deciding it best to change the topic, Robin scanned her brain for something to say. Remembering that she hadn't told Will the news, Robin chuckled softly.

She spoke quietly, glancing around at the empty room. "I kissed her."

Will beamed excitedly, his eyes bright with joy, "what? That's awesome!"

"Yeah," she blushed, reliving the memory in her mind.

Will paused for a moment before deciding to tell Robin about Mike. "I like someone too," he mentioned with a shy smile.

"Really?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Should I guess?"

"Hahah, noo," he chuckled bashfully, "I've liked this person for a while now and it's kind of grown into stronger feelings. And..." he shrugged with a smile, "I don't know... he's really sweet when he wants to be and funny and considerate. He is super smart, but also totally oblivious, and I always feel safe and at home when he's around and-" he paused at Robin's smug grin. "What?"

She whispered, "it's Mike, isn't it?"

"I told you not to guess," he laughed. He nodded blushingly, "but, yeah. It's Mike."

"He seems super nerdy, you'd be great for each other," she teased with a light hearted nudge.

"Shut up," he chortled with a wide smile.

Robin looked up and smirked as someone walked into the kitchen. It was Mike. She jumped from the counter and stretched her arms dramatically before swinging them back and forth. She winked at Will as she left; leaving him alone with a baffled Michael.

"Hey," he chuckled, jumping up beside him.

"Hey," Will smiled, "how are you coping with the spiders?"

"They're so gross," he sighed. "Even the thought of them makes me itchy." He shuddered.

"Hey, don't worry too much. If you get bitten, you'll probably end up like Spider-man," Will added with a positive shrug. "We could really do with a Spider-man right now."

Mike chuckled in amusement, causing Will to look at his hands; his face growing warm. Whenever he made Mike smile or chuckle it felt like butterflies fluttering around in his stomach.

Mike glanced out the window and suddenly jumped backwards, off of the counter; his eyes wide as he grabbed a broom.

His chest heaved as Will looked at him worriedly, "what is it?!"

"The window," he breathed heavily with narrowed eyes, pointing the edge of the broomstick in the direction. "Spider-"

Will looked in the direction of his terrified gaze only to see a branch of a tree. He raised his eyebrow with a slight smirk, "it's a branch."

Mike sighed in relief as he looked down in embarrassment, dropping the wooden brush. "Well, that's awkward, is it getting hot in here or what? Woah haha.."

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