Chapter 11: We Can Be Heroes - Part 2

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Eleven and Kali continued to shadow behind Vecna as he followed the spiders. They had been walking for a little while now and he hadn't even realised he was being followed.

It was amusing to El, how easy it was to trick him. In fact, once she thought about it, it did seem a bit too easy.

Something didn't feel right.

Ignoring Kali's confused frown, El picked up a round pebble and stared at it in her hand. Making a quick decision, she tossed it at Vecna's head. Just as she suspected, it went right threw him.

An illusion.

"Well, this is bad," she spoke simply with a frown.

Before Kali could reply, a different voice interrupted her. "Hello, sisters."

They turned around quickly; their hearts pounding as they faced Vecna.

Just as they were about to react, he beat them to it: raising his hand over El's face and sending her into a trance.


Max heaved as she held her wooden spear against her shaking fist. Slime, sweat and blood coated her panic-stricken features as she hid behind a large, red boulder.

She knew she didn't look great. She didn't feel great either. She had been running for hours and her legs killed. Her throat was dry and scratchy as she spoke, and her eyes seemed to constantly ache. She had a never-ending headache: it was exhausting.

The constant anxiety didn't help either. She was worried for her friends. For Eleven. For Lucas. She wanted nothing more than to run into their arms and stay there.

She sighed, sliding down the boulder to the floor. Her eyes began to close, but a voice in the distance opened them again.

She hadn't seen anyone else since Vecna turned to smoke. A pit of fear grew in her stomach as she got to her feet. Hesitantly, she approached the noise, spear at the ready and heart racing.

She stood behind the wall of the rainbow room; peering through the cracks of the broken concrete.

It was Will. He stood alone in the middle of the room: his eyes wide in fear at the emptiness around him.

Realising that he was probably looking for her, Max was about to speak. Only the presense of two new people stopped her.


Eleven couldn't be here. Not now!

Beside her stood an older woman with purple hair and a confused stare.

Max felt the hairs stand up on her neck as she saw who followed behind the pair. Alive and bloody: It was Vecna.

He seemed to be missing both an eye and an arm, Max noticed. She frowned as she watched him march towards the centre of the room; an air of confidence surrounding him.

"Where is Max?" Eleven asked shakily as she faced him. Her eyes stared daggers into Vecna's dead heart.

He flicked his hand in response; causing a myriad of vines to grab the trio and pull them towards seperate walls. Will struggled against the vines as Kali glared at Henry.

"That is a good question, Eleven," Vecna spoke slowly. Each word echoed across the chasm. He turned around, scrutinising the concrete walls. "Enough of these games, Max. Come out, come out wherever you are. You don't want to miss the death of your friends, now, do you?"

Her body shook with anger as she sent him a murderous glare. Heart pounding, legs aching, voice hoarse: Max ran towards him from behind. Her spear was raised as she screamed croakily.

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