Chapter 3: The Ocean

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The last thing Will saw was his mother's worried cry. He opened his eyes in a different world. His body convulsed in fear as he looked around at his surroundings with a panic stricken expression.

He appeared to be standing at the top of a broken staircase. Surrounding him was blood-red clouds and the atmosphere was uncomfortably warm. Vines tangled itself around broken pieces of an old house and the space was eerily quiet; the only sound being his footsteps as he hesitantly walked down the stairs.

Will swallowed the lump in his throat as he watched a vine slither past his foot. This place was different from the Upside Down, yet it felt somewhat familiar to Will. His breathing increased rapidly as his eye's watered in fear.

Walking stiffly through the strange new place, Will noticed three dead bodies strung up against different broken columns. He yelped in surprise and fell backwards, his hand landing on a vine. Jumping up quickly, he wiped his palm on his shirt and sobbed.

Will looked at his surroundings. Looking for any sign of life. Looking for any sign of help. He hugged his hands to his chest as he fought for breath. A storm of tears falling from his eyes.

It was as he was in the midst of a panic attack that he noticed something strange behind a stained-glass door. It was a silhouette.

Chest heaving, hands shaking, eyes stinging; Will reached for the door handle and turned it slowly. His lip trembled in anticipation as the door creaked open; vines creeping out of the way.

His breath hitched as he saw who was behind the door. Her red hair fell messily over her sagging shoulders and dark shadows formed under her closed eyes. She lay upright on a small staircase leading upwards. A single vine twisting tightly around her arm.

"Max! Oh my, God! Max!" Will screeched loudly, dropping to his knees beside his friend, holding her cold hand in his own. "Max, please! Max! Wake up, Max. It's Will. Wake up! Please! Max! Max!"

He checked her pulse and, to his relief, found one. He couldn't believe it. It didn't seem possible. How was Max here? How was she alive? Why didn't Vecna kill her again once he realised she was alive?


Will lifted his hand to the goosebumps on his neck. He turned his head slowly; yet never letting go of his friend's hand.

Behind him stood a smiling Vecna. He took a step forward, a loud groaning noise exuding from him. "William Byers. I've been waiting for you."

Will stood up slowly in front of Max; his body shaking violently.

Vecna marched forwards until he was only metres away from Will's agonized form. "You're a remarkable child, Byers. Brave, smart, creative, resourceful. And yet you never seem to get any... appreciation. Any... recognition."

Will glanced back at Max before returning his confused stare at Vecna.

"It's been you from the start, Will. It was never the 'demogorgon' that brought you to my world. It was I that saw you in the woods. It was I who brought you to the 'Upside Down'. It was I who made you a spy. It was me. Always me. And it was you, who was always by my side. Unknowingly assisting me on my journey."

Will didn't think he could get any more confused. He was very wrong. He cleared his throat before speaking shakily. "What are you talking about?"

"I want you to join me. I have seen you survive a week in an uninhabitable environment with creatures hunting you. I have seen you stand your ground in front of a giant shadow creature that then proceeded to possess you. I have seen your heartbreak. I have seen your pain. Yet, you prevailed. You always... fought. I admire you, William Byers. I want you to join me in becoming-"

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