Chapter 2: The Wingman

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"You have a sister?" Hopper exclaimed with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

El just nodded in response, "yes."

Eleven hadn't thought of Kali for a while. Everytime she did, she got a weird pain in her stomach. Was it guilt? Was it anger? She wasn't sure. Her time with her sister was strange. She had a feeling that she was being used, but she also knew that Kali cared for her. She was sure about that.

Hopper held his hands on his knees and bent down to look at El in her eyes. "You have a sister?"

"Yes." She repeated, trying to hide a smirk.

He had been asking the question over and over again for a good five minutes and Eleven couldn't help but laugh at the disbelief written in his features.

"What's going on? Why are you shouting?" Joyce's voice sounded from the doorway. She was followed by everyone else, who had heard the yelling from where they were cleaning.

El turned towards her as Hopper remained staring at her incredulously. "I was just telling Hop that I have a sister."

"You have a-" Joyce stammered, "a what? You- what?"

She looked at Hopper's expression and blinked. "Okay, let's all just take a seat and let Eleven explain."

So that's what they did. Eleven explained her small adventure and getting to know Kali. She told them about her sister's powers and her friends. She also explained what Kali and her friends did with her powers.

"So that's why you had that cool makeover," Dustin realised with a smile.

El turned to her dad, who was still staring at her, but was now wearing an expression of understanding.

"Okay." He sighed, "I guess, if you think it's right, we could use her help."

"Wait, wait, wait," Steve crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. "Are you sure she'll even want to help? It sounds like you left on pretty bad terms. And you know... there's the fact that she's killed people. How do you know she won't kill us too?"

"She killed bad people," El explained. "People that hurt her in the lab. She won't hurt us. I promise."

"How will you contact her?" Mike asked, stepping forward. "We can't all separate again. What if something goes wrong?"

"I hate to admit it, but he's got a point," Hopper agreed. He paused to look at his daughter's thoughtful manner. "What are you thinking?"



"You really think you can contact her through your mind?" Nancy questioned.

"I don't see why not," El shrugged.

The team had spent the last half hour thinking of ideas and alternatives to those ideas. No one wanted El to over-use her powers and hurt herself.

"Hey?" Will whispered to Mike, who was bouncing his leg anxiously against the floorboards. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "Do you want to talk about DnD or something? I want to get my mind off things..."

"Sure!" Will beamed, standing up from his seat. "I want to know everything about Hellfire club!"

The pair moved to the sofa, away from the rest of the group, who were now discussing where to get the salt for the sensory deprivation tank.

"I guess the school is the safest bet," Lucas stated tiredly. He was still sleep deprived from staying at the hospital with Max. Dustin looked at him worriedly.

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