Chapter 5: The Grandfather Clock

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White spores danced through the night sky as a blanket of red clouds covered Hawkins. Creel House was ghostly as Robin and Nancy entered it; careful of the large red cracks that separated two halves of the building.

"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Robin asked as she winced to the sound of a creaking floorboard.

Nancy shrugged, shining her flashlight in front of her, "I don't know, Robin. This is your plan."

"Yeah, I know, but you're like... a detective and everything," Robin continued, clumsily jumping over the gate to the Upside Down.

Nancy rolled her eyes in amusement and followed behind her; climbing up the stairs to the attic.

They peered through the door carefully before making their way into the room; studying every detail. Dust coated the floorboards as vines trickled out of the haunting gate that ran through the middle of the house.

"I don't think Vecna's here," Nancy sighed, making her way back down the stairs. "He wouldn't stay so close to the gate."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Robin frowned with furrowed eyebrows. She jumped down the last two steps. "I just really thought something would be here. I don't know..."

Robin trailed off as she saw her reflection in the large grandfather clock. She paused as her eyes widened slowly; an idea forming in her mind.

Nancy stood by her side in confusion and stared at the clock; watching a mirror of Robin's expression in the glass. "Are you going to tell me what you're thinking or am I supposed to guess?

"The clock," she exclaimed with a wide grin.

"Yes?" Nancy looked at her friend in concern. "Are you feeling okay?"

"No! The clock! It's what Vecna uses to scare us. It's like... an omen! An omen of death! Max said she saw it in her visions. Four chimes, remember? So if we destroy the clock, it's got to mess up Henry's plans, right? At least a little bit."

Robin stared at her with an expression of hope.

"That's... not a bad idea," Nancy agreed with a small smile.

Even if destroying the clock did nothing, it was sure to annoy Vecna. And Nancy had a lot of pent up rage.

She looked around at the floorboards before ripping a loose plank from the rest. Robin nodded with an impressed smirk as Nancy lifted it like a weapon. "This should work."

"Go ahead," Robin bowed as she took a step back with a chuckle.

Nancy raised the plank of wood above her head before swinging it like a baseball bat against the glass of the clock. It shattered immediately; shards falling like snow onto the floor. She handed the wood over to Robin with a crazed smile, who took it enthusiastically and smashed it against the face of the clock; causing it to groan unpleasantly.

Nancy grabbed a brick from the floor and jammed it repeatedly into the side of the object; the hard wood breaking at the impact. As she did this, Robin took another swing at the middle of the clock, before kicking it to the floor.

They dropped their weapons and laughed in satisfaction. Nancy beamed at her friend with a tired expression, "okay, that was fun."

"Yes, it was," Robin agreed with a chuckle. She glanced at the gate and grimaced. "We should get out of here, though."

Nancy nodded in agreement before getting an idea. She reached into her pocket and produced a lighter. She flicked it open. "Just in case?"

"Just in case," Robin agreed. She stepped out the front door as Nancy threw the lighter onto the clock.

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