blind folds(8)

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Ask: Alucard Aizawa blind fold

Can I get headcanons of Alucard and Aizawa having their s/o wear a blindfold while they’re having sex?

This is another great ask with the previous about playfully biting.  So here goes on this 2 for 1 ask.

I am including this next bit from personal experience.

Due note: A Blindfold looks so simple and not much fuss. Yet the Blindfold creates a sense of vulnerability and you may trust the person completely until you lose sight.  Then all you have is trust. 

It's just our instincts kicking in.  Be prepared for moments of clumsiness as you can't see to not hit with an elbow or a foot press on the other.  Help your partner in bed to turn or lay down. Falling head first off the bed can be funny or scary. 

Go slow.

Even Blindfolded I suggest a safe word.  People who have been traumatically hurt, a Blindfold might trigger something due to senseless deprivation of sight.  Their brains won't construct a series of words for you to stop.  Their body will go into instant fight or flight.

One simple safe word so a relationship isn't set back and trust loss that may never be regained.



(Alucard probably started the warm up with you Blindfolded.)  Blindfolding you during sex, heightened your other senses.  Hearing and touch become so much stronger and you can get a "head buzz" from it.

•His shadow power becomes activated to touch spots you would never expect. Even humans can move quietly enough to surprise their Blindfolded lover. His shadows ultimately seek a spot not normally accessible.

•How your body tenses if the bed shifts and the gasp of surprise when your skin is stroked, nails lightly drag then disappear, lips pressed to your flesh in a simple kiss.

•His mouth surprises you constantly as one time a cool lick, another time a quick nip like a kitten. You will never be able to predict what he will do next.

•Alucard truly doesn't let himself go as his strength and vampire nature is just too deadly to our fragile bodies.  Blindfolded gives the sense of dark and dangerous.  You don't see it but feel it. Your mind creates the 'danger'.

•It's a way to get you into a 'puddy' state without aggressively biting or pinning body limbs..



•He will start you out with Blindfolding and physical restraint before ever moving to bondage with his scarf. Blindfolds would be the very baby step beginning.

•Aizawa will trace your body with the scars on his arms as the sensation is doubled.  Smooth skin to raised scar and back down.  He would have you trace his scars by guiding your hands.

•Shouta would apply simple toy play such as feathers and ice.  With BDSM so prevalent now in the media, ice doesn't seem much but it is.  Your body reacts to ice and blindfolded you get a rush.

• The very nature of how feathers are created. The way it can curve over a hip or breast with just the right amount of pressure.

Laughter is part of this type of playing blindfolded.

•The final reveal when done with an intimate moment like opening a present.  The euphoria can heighten just from now seeing your lover's flush lips and sweet smile.

Everyone should enjoy playing so take it slow and enjoy.

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