head on lap (16)

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Ask: Alucard Aizawa on lap

I get headcanons of Alucard & Aizawa sleeping on (or at least laying their head down on) their s/o's lap?

It's another 2 for 1 special...get the best of both worlds.

🍷This time it's the immortal King first.

There are times when Alucard is silent for him. The snarky remarks and aggressive behavior is replaced with a quiet and stoic Vampire King. Perhaps he had a nightmare from his past? A long thought dead memory has resurrected to the surface of his conscious mind?

He seems lost in thought....

It is also this time he is more affectionate with you. At first he never showed this side but now he feels comforted by simple gestures from you. One is him stretched out on an extra long sitting couch in the library. The Unholy King has his upper chest and head resting on your lap as he rests on his stomach.

Quite an exposed position with back up...

On these nights you chose to read a book as the sound of pages turning is relaxing to both of you. Your fingers glide through his long ebony locks (Alucard chooses to have his hair long) If a tangle in his gorgeous hair, you gently work it out. Sometimes you think he does it on purpose as you can't imagine he would have them.

Alucard's hair seems always well groomed by nature...

At some point First Vampire mumbles about reading to him. You have a special book set aside that is only read on times like this. He sighs contently to the sound of your voice. Other times The Shadow King enjoys you humming a long distant Wallachia songs he taught you.

He actually lets himself sleep on you like this...


🪢Now we have Shouta/Shota Aizawa.

The sheer stress of being a teacher of gifted students is enough to cause his hair to fall out. So his cue he needs to rest his head in your lap while watching a movie is he pulls his half bun out and rotates to lay on his back and wait for you to use your skillful fingers.

Your magical touch to him...

Slowly your fingers glide through the front area of his obsidian black hair. In the summer he has blonde highlights from being out in the sun so much. He tries not to flinch when a badly tangled bit is reached.

He has tangles just from his hair rising with his quirk..

Your fingertips stroke his cheeks and along his jawline. He begins to stop clinching his teeth and truly relaxes. He will sigh softly as all his muscles relax.

Shouta/Shota will probably fall asleep if he stays in that position, with his head on your lap.


Now how about the pair together with you?

You will be kept busy with both of them on the couch or a large bed. Aizawa is resting on his back and head in your lap. Your fingers of your right hand caress his hair and face. While Alucard is is resting his head, chin on your left upper chest and his right arm high up on your waist. Your left arm is raised and over his shoulder to drag your fingernails softly down his scalp.

They whine a little when your arms get tired after a while...

Alucard🍷 & Aizawa🪢 Asks (hc's both)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant