getting kisses (41)

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How would D, Alucard, and Aizawa react if they received a kiss from their s/o? (ex. forehead kiss, kiss on the cheek or lips)

I am going to start them in order as listed in this ask. I will provide definitions according to article 20 kisses. The article link will be located below.

📍"Peck-The peck is a simple, light touch of the lips. The lips might be closed and slightly puckered or pursed, or they might be looser. This is generally what people aim for with their first kiss because it's intimate without being overly sensual. Plus, it's pretty hard to mess up."

📍"Forehead kiss-Forehead kisses are literally that: a kiss placed on someone's forehead. These types of kisses are an affectionate and nurturing gesture, and they tend to signal more sweetness and care than sexual attraction. Forehead kisses can be given between romantic partners but are also commonly given to children from parents or older family members."

📍"Cheek kiss -Kissing someone on the cheek can be a platonic greeting gesture, and it's common for friends and family members to exchange these types of kisses in some cultures. In other situations, it can also be a good way to hint that you like someone if you're not quite ready for a lip-to-lip kiss. Usually planting your lips firmly on the person's cheek and lingering for a moment can add additional romantic meaning to a cheek kiss."

📍" Body kiss- is a way to make your makeout session more intimate or erotic, or it can be a form of foreplay. "You can kiss various body parts like earlobes, sides of necks, insides of wrists, and other hot spots, where blood flow is close to the surface of the skin," Brown-James says. "This would include places like the butt crease, inner wrist, nape of the neck, inner arm and armpit, and even the popliteal (back of the knee)."

📍"Air kiss- air kiss is more of a greeting than a romantic gesture, and it can be exchanged totally platonically between even friends and family members. It occurs when two people purse their lips as if they're going to kiss, then brush past the other's cheek without actually touching. In some cultures, a single air kiss is appropriate, while others go for two or three."

📍"Nipple kiss-Nipple play can be extremely pleasurably for some people, and some women can even orgasm from it. That's because this type of touch activates the same nerve cortex as the clitoris. Along with massaging, tracing, and pinching the breasts, kissing the nipples can bring pleasure for some."

📍"Genitial kiss-This is not the same as oral sex, but it's a good segue into it. Kissing your partner through their underwear or directly on the skin of their genitals can leave them wanting more."

📍"Shoulder kisses, especially when done from behind, can be an invitation for a makeout. It can be a sultry and intimate kiss, although alternatively it can also be sprinkled in during a cuddling session depending on your cuddling position."

📍"Spiderman kiss-This kiss is based on the famous Spiderman movie scene, where Tobey Maguire (Spiderman) kisses Kirsten Dunst (Mary Jane Watson) while hanging upside. This can be done with one person lying down, and the other person standing above them. When you kiss, your chins will be touching each other's noses."


•It depends on the time of day, who could see besides rude Lefty and location. D becomes greatly concerned that humans that even hate Dhampirs, will take you and hurt you. It's bad enough to see him with you.

•That being said, the soft kiss, slightly more intimate than a peck as you feel breath, on his right cheek as he bent over slightly (190 cm or 6'3" inches as Alucard is 198 cm or 3 inches taller) why the right cheek? Because he wraps his right arm around due to Lefty making inappropriate comments.

•Lips kissed is in a private room in a frontier town, if allowed to rent for a night, more firm and emotional kissing on the lips. This would most likely lead to body kisses.

•Finally the kiss to the forehead when just laying on him and a most definite just after intimacy, coitus etc. Generally soft kisses from both of you as a sign it's also about love and affection.


•🍷• Alucard..Alucard and oh! Alucard.

•Vampires are mouthy by the oral fetish kinda deal.

•Alucard would accept kisses on the cheek but he's very sensitive about being smirked or laughed at when kissing in front of others. Sometimes due to his high an air kiss.

•Nipple kisses and genitial kisses. The intense sensation to nipples and genital kisses to his dick as a sign of what is in the near future.

•And finally a bite kiss as in tugging on the bottom lip. Look out that gets the tongue sneaking out for a lick.


•🥢• Shouta Aizawa

•Shouta is insecure about his looks. So he gets embarrassed getting a kiss in public. Japanese culture is still not affectionate in public. A peck on the cheek or an air kiss.

•The shoulder kiss when laying in bed together. Or you wake up to him rolled over and his bare shoulder is exposed.

•Being how good he is with hanging upside down, it has to be the Spiderman kiss in a discreet places.

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