Part two <3

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You look up chewing on the apple. What is the man doing. " If your into band, or Science, or parties, OR A GAME WHERE YOU TROW BALLS INTO  LAUNDRY BASKETS." Eddie yelled across the lunch room. Some blonde headed kid got up. " do we have a problem,  freak." He asked.  You froze. Freak, huh. You didn't understand why we was being called a freak, was it because he liked a fansty game, or metal music. You just didn't understand, we was so loving, even tho you literally meant 6 hours ago. You drawed your attention back to your food. There wasn't much left. A few bites of apple and maybe a small sip of juice. You took your late bite before getting up and walking over to the trash can, throwing your trash away in it. Eddie was now sitting down.

It was the end of school, you started to walk out of the front door, but something Taps your shoulder, you turn around, seeing it was just Eddie calmed you down. " hey so I was going to go to the arcade, no one could come with me and I was wondering if you could." He looks nervous as he spoke to you. " you are acting so nervous, is this supposed to be a date." You said jokingly. He got all red and flustered. " I- uhh- I don't know" he managed to say with his hands pressing against his face. " sure, I would love to come with you." You said has you grabbed his hands away from his face. " don't hind from me," you said again jokingly.

You got to the arcade and walked in. Eddie still look like a deer in head lights. " you okay," I asked softly leaning forward to see his face. " yea, I'm fine, j-just a little shocked do you said yes." "Why wouldn't I say yes"? You asked " I mean I don't know, I'm a kinda a freak, you know, and you like meant me this morning," " your not a freak," you said lightly punching his right arm. He bought the tickets and you went and played.

A few hours went by, and you were getting kinda tired. It was around 6. You didn't understand why you were tired so early. Maybe it was because you just ate an apple today? It's whatever, it doesn't matter.


Why does Y/N look so tired, it's only 6. Maybe she just goes to bed early.


You guys were done and walking out the door. He opened the car door for you. " why thank you." You said. " anything for the princess" he said winking at you. PRINCESS. You were freaking out. You were all red, and Eddie definitely noticed. You must have fell asleep on the ride back to your house, because next thing you notice is pulling into the trailer park. You point to your trailer. " here it is" you said. " thanks for the ride, I have fun today." You said while grabbing your stuff. You open the door and waved. " bye Y/n". You heard Eddie say as you climbed out. You walked up to your door to your house. Ugh dad must have Been home. There was beer cans everywhere, it also had a wired smell to it. You walked to your room, the only room in the house that looked decent. You went to the bathroom to take a shower. You open the curtains and tried to turn the water one. Nothing came out. You checked the sinks. Nothing. Great no water. You walked back to your room, you started to put on your night clothes. They smelled horrible. I really don't want to have to do this. You changed back and walked over to Eddie's house. You knocked a few times, you could hear music being play and some rustling. He opened the door. " hey Y/N, what are you doing here?" He questioned. " I think the water at my place got turned off and I Desperately needed to take a shower, would you mind if I took it here?" You said looking at your shoes. " yea, come in, don't mind the mess." He said laughing. " trust me, this is not as bad as mine." He showed you to the bathroom, and you turned on the water. " thank you." You said while shutting the door. You took your shower as fast as you could, not wanted to take up a lot of water. You threw on your clothes and walked out. Eddie was in his room, smoking weed. You pushed open the door a little, and poked your head in. He looked at you. " h-hey." He said with a big cough. You walked in and said thank you again. "I should be on my way." You said to him about to walk out. " hold on"! He said. He got up. " I'll walk you home, it's dark outside." " you don't have to, it's just a few seconds away." " I insist" he said while opening the door. You too walk up to your house and open your front door. Dads home. " umm, thanks again." You nervously. " Y/N IS THAT YOU." your dad said yelling from the mess of a house. "Yea, dad it's me." You said. " you should probably get going, my dad is drunk." You said quietly to Eddie. " okay, be careful." He waved and walk off. You walked in. You dad was looking the in fridge. "WHERE IS ALL MY BEER." He yelled. "It looks like all of it is one the floor, dad." " ARE YIY SASSING ME, GIRL" he was up in your face now. You took a step back. " no, dad, you ask a question and I answered." He slapped you across the face. Your eyes started to tear. "DON'T START CRYING, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT." You heard your dad say as you walk to your room, and shut the door behind you. You sat on your bed crying. You don't understand, what happened. You used to be super close. You scooted up to the head bored and got under your thin blanket. You fell asleep shortly after that.

I fell for a freak &lt;3 ( eddie Munson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now