Part 8 <3

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You and Eddie were having a make up session. You was kinda getting heated. He went down to your neck.  (I don't want to write the spicy part so just use your imagination.)
You and Eddie were in the back seat. He was putting back on his clothes, and you were laying on the seats. Eddie soon started to put on your clothes and then climbed back to the front, you did the same. He grabbed your hand and drove back to his trailer. He had the biggest smile on his face.

You guys got back to his trailer and he made some food."I'm making you eat something," he said. Yo didn't want to, you were going to get fat and he won't like you. "Eddie, please no," you said while on his bed. You didn't want the food, you could go longer.
"Look, y/n you need to, you have had a small cracker plate," Eddie said. "If not for you, for me," he said with tears in his eyes.
"Fine, what are you making," I said getting up.
"Hmmm, mac n cheese," Eddie said while hugging me. "Okay, I guess that's fine," you said hugging him back. "Eddie, we have school today," you said while he was making the food."shit your right, umm let's get dressed," he said while turning off the stove. You guys got dressed and jump into the van. You guys get there as soon at the lunch bell rang. You guys ran into the lunch room, and sat down at your table.
"Hey guys, sorry we were late." Eddie said. "You want anything to eat from here, y/n," Eddie asked.
"I don't have any money, plus I'll be fine," you said.
"Okay," Eddie sighed. He got up and walked over to to line. You felt bad. He looked mad at you.why do you have to do this. You got up and went to the bathroom. You stared to cry. Why did you have to make him mad, why did you have to be such a mess. Soon the bell rang and you look in the mirror, you good enough and you left the bathroom. You saw Eddie walking to his class. You didn't want to make him mad so you left me alone.

It was your last class now, the one with Eddie. You dreaded this class. You didn't even know if you were supposed to go home with Eddie or go back with you dad. You again didn't talk to Eddie and decided to walk back to your dad's trailer. After the bell rang Eddie got up and went to talk to Dustin, so he did t notice you had you walked out to door towards the trailer park.
You walked up to your dad's trailer door, and opened it. Your dad was passed out on the couch. You made your way to your room trying to be as quiet as possible, And you flopped on your bed. You took out your home work and started to work on it. You must have been loud because your dad bursted open your door.

I fell for a freak &lt;3 ( eddie Munson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now