Part 9 <3

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(you guys might being getting a lot of these tomorrow because I'm about to go on a road trip, also this part is going to mention violets.)
Your dad bursted open you door. Your head shot up to look at him. "Y/N, sense when have you been home," he said with a mean tone, not yelling just mean.
"I got home a few minutes ago," you said kinda starting to shake.
"WHY ARE YOU HERE, I BET YOU JUST HERE TO TAKE MY MONEY BECAUSE YOU GOT  PREGNANT," he yell. It made you jump and your eyes closed. You tried to block him out, think of Eddie, your new school, anything. "SO NOW YOUR JUST GOING TO IGNORE ME," he said walking over to you. He grabbed you and pulled you off the bed.
"Dad, no I'm sorry," you said. You dad started to punch you. It hurt. You screamed really loud at the contact of his fist in your stomach.
"DAD STOP PLEASE," you yelled. He didn't stop. The pain filled your body. You tried to move, but you couldn't. He threw you to the ground.
" worthless piece of shit," your dad muttered as he slapped you really hard. He walked away. You tried to get up, but everything hurt. You walked over to the mirror in your room. You looked bad. There was blood dipping down your face and you had a black eye. You couldn't stand anymore, you fell to the ground. You soon herd your fount door swing open. Probably just another drug dealer. You were still on the ground, it hurt to much to move. You heard someone open your bedroom door. You looked over. It was Eddie .
"Omg Y/N,  what happened," he said while looking out of breath. "H-hey Eddie," you coughed out. He ran over to you and sat on the ground, lifting your head over to his lap. You stared to cry. It hurt so bad, so very bad. "I got to get you out of here," Eddie said while trying to stand you up. It was hard to walk but with Eddie's help it didn't hurt as bad. You dad got up. You were scared. "AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR TAKING HER," he screamed at Eddie. " I'm taking her home, now move," Eddie said in a Stern tone. "THIS IS HER HOME," he said, he slapped Eddie. "DAD, STOP," you screamed. Eddie dropped you and punch your dad. "You think this is her home," Eddie said with a light chuckle. "I don't think if this was her home she would be scared every time to come here, or have to wonder what mood you were in today, if you were going to hit her or just yell at her," Eddie said. Your dad punched Eddie in the jaw. "You had this coming," Eddie said while punching your dad back. Your dad fell to the ground and Eddie punch him more, and more. "Eddie stop you said from where he dropped you. He didn't stop. "Eddie," you said while crying even harder. "EDDIE," you yelled, he stopped. "Princess, I'm sorry, I got carried away. He helped you up off the ground. He walked you back to his trailer. You sat on the couch. Your head was spinning and you felt your self passing out. You woke up to Eddie holding you and crying. "E-Eddie," you said hugging him back. "Y/N," he yelled. He hugged you tighter. There was blood on him. You couldn't tell whose. You looked around. "I'm hungry," you said to him.
"Okay, hold on," Eddie said, he let you go and wiped his tears. "Do you want some Mac n cheese, I finished cooking that earlier," he said looking sad, but happy. "Yea, that's fine," you said, you still hurt, and you were really tired. He brought you a small green bowl with Mac n cheese in it. You stared to eat has he turned on the tv. He put on nightmare on elm street. You finished your food and sat the bowl on the floor. You scooted over to Eddie and laid your head on this shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. "I love you, princess," Eddie said." you looked up at him. "I love you too," you said and snuggled closer.

I fell for a freak &lt;3 ( eddie Munson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now