Part 13 <3

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You woke up. Your ere kinda cold. It was fall and you were wheezing a skirt and tank top. All the windows were open. Your hair was a mess, and Eddie was already awake playing with it. "Morning darling," he said, he was smiling at you. He was always fucking smiling. You sat up and looked at him. "Morning, can we go get breakfast," you said. He looked at you surprised. "Yea, ofc, where would you like to go?" He asked at he climbed back to the front, you followed. "IHOP, I used to go as a little kid," you said as he turned the key. The van started. "Eddie, I'm kinda cold," you said turning you head to face him. He took off his leather jacket and handed it to you. "Here you go princess," he said, you got butterflies, you loved the little pet names he gave you. You smiled and slipped your arms into the holes. He drove back on to the main road. We placed several places. You were still really tired. He took his right hand off of the wheel and placed it in yours. He looked at you. You took his finger and intertwined them with your.

After breakfast you guys drove back to his trailer. "Can I teach you how to play dnd, I have a campaign tonight and I have been blowing them off for you, but I really need to have this one," he asked. You didn't understand a single thing about dnd, but if that meant you could be with Eddie, you were willing to try. "Sure, I would love to learn," you said as you stood on your tippy toes and gave him a kiss. His face turned red. "Okay, want me to grab you a juice box," he asked as he walked to the kitchen. "Yes please," you said walking over to his room. He walked through to door frame and tossed you the juice box. "Thank you, Eddie," you said as you opened the straw. "Your welcome, y/n,"!he said sitting down. "After you fell asleep last night I made you a character sheet," he said handing it to me. You filled it out. (I don't know how to play dnd so like just pretend I put how to play it)
After learning it was around noon. "Hey Eddie can I wear a hellfire shirt tonight at the campaign?" You asked. "Yea, anything of mine is your now, we are officially dating," he said, his smile was so prefect. You smiled back at him. "You want to watch a movie, the campaign doesn't start till 6," he said.
"Yea, what movie?" You asked.
"Don't know yet, let's see what's on," he said betting up and walking to the living room. He plopped on the couch. He grabbed the remove and turned on the tv. It was playing poltergeist 2. "I haven't seen this one yet," you said scooting over next to Eddie. He put his arms around you and you laid your head on his chest. He ran his fingers through your hair.

It was was now 5:45 you where putting on the hellfire shirt and a pare of Eddie's ripped jeans, they didn't fit so you added a belt. You cuffed the bottom of the jeans just enough to show your new tattoo. You walked into the bathroom and put on some lipgloss and red and black eyeshadow. You walked out of that bathroom, Eddie was in the kitchen eating something. "You want a bite," he asked.
"Sure," you said and took a bite. You still didn't know what it was but you didn't care. It was now 5:55. You slipped on your beat up Converse and tied the laces. "Let's go, y/n," Eddie said.
"I'm coming," you walked out of the bedroom and outside shutting the front door behind you. You sat down in the passenger seat and Eddie drove away to someone's house. You got out and walked inside. You saw Melanie and walked straight over to her, she was by herself. "Hey Melanie," you said waving at her. "Heyy, how has it been with Eddie," she asked. "Good, he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes," you said. "That's good, and how have you been, I know the few days after attempting is really hard," she said, she really was a caring friend. "I've been okay, I think I'll be okay, I have you and Eddie by my side," you said.
"I'm glad you think of me that way, but now I want to go smoke some weed and play dnd," she said walking down stairs. You followed her. There was a big wooden table with seven chairs. You sat next to Eddie.
After a long campaign you guys were done, Melanie was high again and she came home with you and Eddie. You got home and changed. Melanie was on the couch. You walked back to Eddie's room, we was already on the bed. You climbed in and got next to him. You laid your head of his chest and fell asleep.
Next morning you woke up and found Melanie in the kitchen passed out. Fucking typical.

I fell for a freak &lt;3 ( eddie Munson x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant