06 - Twins

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Huey laid awake in his bed, washed up, and changed. Having been forcibly tucked in (and smacked) by Owen who had somehow found out about his little outing. The butler had thankfully not confiscated his purchases which consisted of a gem, a bracelet, a couple snacks, some herbs, and other materials. Surely it would've aroused suspicions with his old habit of randomly poisoning people.

He sulked. "It's not like I was out until 1am."

He was used to the sleep schedule now, but he couldn't help but look back to when it was one messed up puzzle. Sleeping three hours one day and thirteen the next, no wonder he was the shortest guy in class.

"I'm pretty sure I'm fine now right? Average height?"

Nevertheless, small musings could not delay the main issue.

He had met the protagonist.
He had helped the protagonist in place of the female lead.
He had met the protagonist.
He had MET the protagonist.

"MY MURDERER!" Huey cried into a pillow. Fortunately the sound was muffled because if the son of a duke suddenly cried out "MURDERER" in the middle of the night... let's just say that there'd be some panic.

Although Sorin is not a murderer yet, the fact that he did get sort of tortured and killed by him is still pretty fresh in his mind. Not a very great last impression, but it's not like Huey left a good one either.

"I suppose I deserved it.. Oh well it's not like he'll murder me this time. I'm not gonna go around slaughtering people again hahaha." He awkwardly laughed.

Peeering up defeatedly at the ceiling, Huey recalled the past events. Listing it out with his fingers.

"So I met Sorin, helped him in place of Celine aka ruining the prologue, he has one of my names, he's a stupid fuck-I mean who goes around telling strangers which family they're from? And, he does not know my face.." He paused. The sounds of realization sinking in louder than ever. "He does not know my face!"

The outfit had a mask!

Until this small won hope deflated like a balloon.

"Wait, but red eyes are basically the signature of the Astaseul bloodline."

Huey could distantly hear something break in his consciousness.

"Ah that's the sound of my future shattering ahahahahahahahahahaha." If someone else had been in the room they probably would have thought the Young Master of the Astaseul Duchy was insane. Not the worst rumours he's faced, and certainly not original. "Maybe I am insane, and this is all a long ass dream before death. Maybe my body's bleeding out right now under the bridge with the other bodies. Like the bus driver's, and Kayden's..."

An unknown amount of silence passed by. Huey's throat felt parched and his eyes throbbed with pain slightly.

Deep down Huey knew this was not a dream. It was far too realistic, too sentient, too hopeful to be a product of his mind. He got a third chance at life, but what about Kayden? They both died, but it feels like only one did. The look of fear the boy had right before impact would torment him every other night.

Huey held up his arm, the purchased bracelet dangling delicately on his wrist. It wasn't the same, but the closest resemblance to the ones they had.

The male squeezed his eyes. Black bangs caressing the side of his face. "Wherever you are I hope you're not in a hellhole like me."

Ever since coming back to Evendale, the whole situation has been so much that he's never properly grieved. For his friend, for his family, for his home, for his world, and for himself. Huey grit his teeth and repressed tears finally shed.

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