10 - Channicaenth

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Trees swayed lightly in the nighttime breeze. Carrying occasional bird chirps and songs of critters in its path. The thick foliage gave way to grass patches neither abundant nor sparse, leading down a slope. By the side lay striped and patterned cliffs, formed by sedimentary rocks. Decades and millenniums shown bare. The royal blue night twinkling with stars were reflected by a smooth mirror like sheen. Amidst the peace, relaxing sounds of distant waves crashing and desperate cries of a pig could be heard.


Kayson stared at the subdued giant boarvado being dragged like a sack of potatoes by Joseph. His eye twitched.

"Why are we at sea?"

Indeed, their current location was at a small cove west of the town.

"Pearil Cove." The man specified, moving the beast without so much as breaking a sweat.

"Yeah I get that, but why are we here?"


"Oh ok. Why couldn't we do it back at the den? In the first place, why are you carrying my target?" Kayson was a bit piqued. After having been caught by the man, they were forced to make a brief explanation excluding the other world stuff. Instead opting for how he accidentally ate a dragmire stem (a plant that can stunt and block a person's magic temporarily) in the past. But even after he healed, he somehow became unable to use magic (Thanks to the absence of magic while the poison was in effect). Embarrassed to tell his family, they're now trying to forcefully unblock it.

The man looked at them as though they were stupid, but at least it worked. Neither of them knew how the old veteran had believed such a hastily crafted excuse. The holes in it could trigger someone's trypophobia!

"Do you think this pig will be a challenge for a Nevoid?" Joseph's tone was deeply unimpressed. Kayson gaped, and Huey cleverly decided to not partake in the conversation.

Forcefully, Kayson spoke, "...Then why'd you bring it..?"



The trio walked closer to the waters. To the point that if it climbed up the beach any further, it could touch their shoes. Joseph took a deep long breath of the salty seaside air.

"Do you want to know why this place is called Pearil Cove?"

"Uhhh." Kayson and Huey furrowed their brows. The pink haired boy in confusion, and the other in ponder.

Pearil Cove.. Huey heard of it before. With an ecosystem of unique oysters and clams, the pearls harvested here glisten like crystals while still retaining an opaque luster. The colours range from creamy, gold, vermillion, celeste, and multiple shades in violet. With them only existing in such a minuscule area, and in such high demand, the jewels garnered a heavy price. The coast where they're formed partly belongs to the duchy, so his family had a part of the ownership. Naturally they had sponsored and partnered up with a merchant group to sell the local wares. It was one of their biggest wealth incomes.

That was all basic information, but isn't there something missing? Joseph didn't give them much time to think.

"Because of this place's abundant pearl reserve. In the water and underground are rare oysters and clams. It's a local specialty that only exists along this coast." He explains. Huey blinked, perplexed. Kayson voicing out his thoughts perfectly.

"But if that's true how is this place not.. you know, under constant surveillance? We just waltzed in here like nothing! Why is there no security measure?! Did we trespass? Did you make us trespass?!" He wildly looked around, expecting to spot a security guard or a magic equivalent of a security camera.

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