27 - Visage

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Red eyes peered down on blood stained palms. The warm body fluid seeping into the white fabric of his glove like ink coming into contact with water. It spread quicker with each drop that fell from his lips. Huey clenched his hand. The sensation of weakness thrummed in his fingers as he wiped the blood off his chin and mouth.

Basilrith, a fast acting poison that immediately attacks the body's system and rapidly thins the blood, leading to the victim vomiting blood moments after consumption. Symptoms include bleeding, weakness, vision impairment, dizziness, and temperature fluctuation. He faintly recalled Melissa falling victim to this soddy assassination (if it even had that intent) attempt and being in bed rest for days. Fortunately, although dangerous it is not a lethal poison unless delivered in large portions; with his prior mithridatism he should be able to neutralize it soon enough. With that said, Huey's distorted gaze lifted up to catch sight of the servant boy slowly backing into the astonished crowd.

The quickened commotion of foot steps stopped behind him and from the authoritative voice that boomed he could immediately deduce it was Melissa and the gang. Even without seeing her he could imagine her form commanding power and nobility.

"Guards, seize that boy!" She demanded, pointing towards the escaping convict.

The boy ran in a panic, face pale and movements frantic. It was hard to believe the assassination attempt had any plan at all--more impulse driven than anything. But of course, the guards of the prime minister weren't for vanity. Two of them quickly apprehended the boy, forcing him onto the floor even as he writhed wildly. The servant screamed bloody murder, already anticipating the consequence headed his way.

Melissa paid the boy's distress no mind as she quickly moved towards where Huey was being supported by Kayson and Nicholas.

"Someone call the physician, quickly!" She ordered, and if Huey had not been slightly delirious he might have seen the glimpse of guilt flashing in her expression. From behind her, Sorin and the rest showed up with mirroring concern.

"W-what should we do??" Celine gasped, her hands clenched tightly in front of her chest as she peered at the blood stains. Kade furrowed his brows, sweat glistening on his temple.

"We must wait for the estate's physician, before he arrives lay him down so the poison doesn't spread faster."

Hearing those instructions, Kayson and Nicholas moved to lay him down but Huey just jerked them off (much to their complaints). Sorin, whose face was now devoid of the usual healthy dust of pink on his cheeks, quickly approached him.

"Stop it, you must rest!" He urged, that of which fell on deaf ears. He trailed after Huey who began walking towards the (still struggling) servant with open arms in case the youth were to trip or faint. Sorin's hands hovered in the air, unsure if he should stop Huey or not because what if abrupt movement worsens his condition?!

Huey's expression relaxed, sighing, he raised an arm with his back still facing the others: signaling stop.

"I'm fine, I've already neutralized the poison." He declared. Although completely neutralized was a lie the effects were already miniscule. At most it felt like the sensations after a particularly harsh head rush. He glanced at the whispering crowd in search of familiar faces. As expected neither of his family members were specially worried having done the practice themselves.

Huey resumed his path and soon arrived in front of the boy spewing desperate profanities at the unfazed guards.

"U-unhand me! Or else my master will—my master will make sure none of you—"

"Your master," Huey whisked down, making firm eye contact. "Is using you as a sacrificial pawn." He muttered softly, just loud enough for the boy before him to catch.

The Redo of a Novel's Villain: MoiraΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα