30 - Winter Showcase I

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"Young Master, the carriage is ready." Owen stood by the door with his arms tucked behind his back, Elaine standing beside him.

Huey hummed acknowledgment and snapped the book he was reading shut. He slid it inside a small bag and walked out of the room to say goodbyes.

Like always, the maid spoke first. "Young Master time flies when you're here. You already have to leave!" She cried, moving forwards to hug him. Huey chuckled, patting the woman's back consolingly. "Do you have everything? Enough clothes, books, paint, money??"

"Yes I have everything, you don't have to fret."

"But why does it feel like something's missing...!" She whined.

"Calm down Elaine. I'm positive nothing's missing, and if it is it's nothing important."

Hearing those words the brunette calmed down for barely a second. "You're right." She took deep breaths, but on the third cycle she inhaled sharply. "No, no I can't! I'd better check one last time! See you soon Young Master!"

Watching her speed away despite the length of her dress (and what he presumed were heels judging from the sound), Huey shook his head in defeat. "And she's off."

Owen huffed lightly, amused. "You should see how she's like the first week without you. She was like a walking husk." The butler thought back to the state of the woman unnervingly and clicked his tongue. "Seriously, that reaction's hardly necessary. Not even half a year has passed since she began warming up to you." Not even half a year has passed since you changed.

Huey smiled. He gazed down the hallways as though the fleeting silhouette of Elaine and a bygone memory were still there. "I'm still learning, but I'll continue to improve, Owen. That promise... is mine to keep."

Owen just looked down the same hallway, not giving a response to the message. And yet a silent acquiescence formed between them and no words needed to be exchanged. The world does not stop on one's whims, the chariots will streak 'cross the sky, and the concept of time affects all even past the mortal isthmus. Even so, the butler allowed them to soak in the wistfulness of it all before draining it for the time being.

"The sun has yet to reach its peak and if you don't want to run into the more tousling hours I suggest we head to the carriages now."

Huey nodded, walking off with Owen close behind. And as they exited the interior of the estate and met with the frosty winter air an adage from earth came to mind. Parting his lips, the words escaped him with hazy clouds.

Little strokes fell great oaks.

✦ ✧

Kayson dropped his bag onto the floor beside his bed--one where he promptly chucked himself on. "Dorm sweet dorm." He groaned exasperatedly. Although Huey laughed at his friend he was not much better, already sprawled out on the bed long before Kayson arrived.

For the entirety of the week of the Winter Showcase, all lessons will be cut by half and club activities suspended. The festival energy was high even now. And as much as the two wished to stay holed up in their dorms, Headmistress Bonne ordered for all students and staff to attend the assembly that marked the official start of the Winter Showcase. But that was still two hours away, so for the time being they could do whatever they wished.

"Hey Huey~~" Kayson called out. "Go over the operations again."

The black haired youth grumbled, but did as told. "Prior to the performance we will tip off the general direction of the leak to either a staff or a third year by disguising it as a suspicion concern. After the play kicks off I'll deactivate the bombs that caused the most casualties while you stay on watch, specifically the first years so none of them run around like headless chickens and get killed."

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