15 - Glory Academy II

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Following the mini map on the watch Huey soon arrived at the second year's male dorm building. Unlike the usual palace-like style that dominated the academy grounds, the dorms were built like a renaissance palazzo.

A rectangular shape, symmetrical layout of windows, detailed stone and marble carvings, and a grand front door. The brick roads leading to it were adeptly paved, and the flora surrounding the building was beautiful and organized.

The interior looked like a luxury hotel lobby, even smelled like it too. Oddly shaped beautiful chandeliers illuminated the space, a lounge, abstract designed carpets, painted ceiling, and an imperial staircase which led to the other floors.

Overall, it was well maintained and worthy of the academy's prestige.

'It says I have room 211.'

Walking down the carpeted hallway Huey's eyes were locked on the many number plates. Before long he arrived at the door with his room number engraved above in gold. Right before he was about to enter, he heard a small exclamation.


Looking down the path he came from was another person, a taller male with silver hair and eyes.


✦ ✧

'Is it here?'

Sorin stared at the second year dorm building. He saw a couple students wearing black move in and out of the gates so this must be it.
Quickly going inside, the youth did a quick once over of the lobby before climbing one the stairs.

'Room 212, room 212..'

He walked down the hallway, and stopped when he saw someone else further down. Someone that was quite infamous throughout the academy. A boy with black hair, pale skin, and blood red eyes.

'Huey Astaseul?'

A sound involuntarily leaked out from his lips.


That caught the other's attention. Huey turned his head around, making eye contact. Sorin blinked, expecting some sort of dark overlord energy to seep out of the youth.

Although Huey never directly antagonized him, he never hid his dislike for him either. But instead, contrary to expectations the boy simply gazed at him blankly. Completely expressionless. No glare, no frown, no menacing aura, not even a single ripple.



This was awkward. Sorin wasn't sure what to do in this situation. Should he lighten up the atmosphere? Say hi? Ask him to move?

'Come on Sorin, manners.'

Waving his hand he mustered up some enthusiasm and greeted, "Hel-"



Or at least tried to because the moment he moved his mouth Huey broke eye contact, unlocked the door, went inside, and slammed it.


The remaining words died in his throat. Sorin sighed, dropping his arm. It wasn't like he was expecting much from the boy anyways. It was already weird that he wasn't eye killing him. Plus, there's always next time since...

He looked up at Huey's dorm number then his.

"Looks like we're neighbours." He mumbled.

Promptly after he said that a weird muffled noise that sounded suspiciously like screaming and a crash came from behind room 211. If not for his refined senses (and how he's standing right in front of it) he might not have heard it. Sorin grimaced, mildly concerned before hurrying into his room.

The Redo of a Novel's Villain: MoiraDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora