28 - The Game Begins

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"Tell me what you know." Melissa demanded, arms crossed over her chest as she peered down on Huey. He sat on the edge of the bed, shoulders slumped, mask off, and bloody. The wane fatigue grafted into his body was laid out all over his face.

He felt bad in a physical sense. It was a sensation of the body being unaccustomed to action after being fed anesthetic or the immune system being expended. It was the exact feeling his body was plagued with after getting a medical shot: tired, weak, sleepy, but sober enough to manage day to day tasks (except this time instead of medicinal substances it was from poison).

He sighed, a long drawn out breath that stretched the tense atmosphere further. His sanguine eyes flickered up at Melissa's face. Despite the dimitity of the room, she found the shade impossibly bright.

"Lady Melissa, your father ordered for the Astaseul Duchy—and by extension, others, to leave this case alone." Huey uttered flatly. He knew his words hardly had any sway; it wasn't uncommon knowledge that the prime minister was a doting (too doting) father.

As expected the young lady dismissed her father's orders. "The case is different since you are a direct victim. And drop the formalities, you were fine calling me just Melissa a minute ago."

He shrugged. "The intent is neutral then." Huey's gaze softened before disappearing behind pale lids, they opened to reveal calculation. "I don't know much if that's what you think, but I do have theories." He languidly laid out a palm.

Melissa narrowed her eyes at it then reconnected eye contact. "...Entertain me."

He leaned back with his head tilted to the side. "To start, the poison used was basilrith, a poison that comes from a plant that exclusively grows in monsoon-prone areas. Because of limited supply and cumbersome manufacturing processes it's difficult to obtain a single packet of it. Basically, it's expensive." He sucked the side of his cheek. "So any financially troubled or even moderate person wouldn't bother using this method of assassination especially not entrust it in the hands of a clumsy youthful servant. Which leads me to think, whoever is targeting you is someone with wealth."

"Furthermore, it'd be best to extract as much information as you can from that servant now. Although I highly doubt you'd be able to get anything of value considering the poor boy's been drugged and likely wouldn't make it. Whether he had succeeded or not, he was meant to die. So unless the perpetrator's stupid or cocky I doubt they'd tell a scapegoat anything of substance." That is if the 'master' was even the mastermind behind it all. As grand and powerful as the Roseri family is its enemies also stretches far and wide, even its own roots may rot and act as a parasite.

Melissa scowled, deep in thought. Nevertheless, despite the questions swimming in her mind she remained quiet and gestured for the other to continue.

Huey hummed, "I'm sure you heard the servant crying out for his master, meaning someone responsible belonged to one of the guests. And amongst the guests the only ones that can benefit from having you removed would be rivaling nobles or..." He prompted with a subtle grin.

The girl clenched her fists, brows stitched together grimly. "Relatives..."

Huey laughed, "Ding ding~ you got it!" He cheered ironically, clapping much to Melissa's irritance.

She bristled, cutting the clapping off. "There's more isn't there. I can tell you still have something to say, so spit it out."

Red eyes blinked owlishly. "Ever the perspective." Huey smiled, piecing his palms together as he muttered, voice low, "I don't think it's as simple as a succession feud."

Melissa sucked her teeth at those words. A foreboding feeling making the mask on her delicate features feel clammy and the accessories used to pin her hair too tight. She seethed, "What do you mean?"

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