The beginning (1)

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Sweat, the smell of Marijuana, loud music bursting in my ears and strangers next to me spinning and twirling in a complete state of joy. I guess I was one of them. Trying to enjoy every second before the conclusion.

And just like it had all begun it suddenly ended, leaving me empty but with a warmth in my chest, partially caused by the alcohol and partially by the amount of fun I had.

As I left the arena I saw millions of silhouettes excitedly leaving and sharing their experiences and their thoughts. My favourite moment of the night was when I threw a bracelet with "I ♡ u" written on it, to the front man, who kindly smiled at me and mouthed "Thank you" before singing another verse. I was on my own, like most the time, but that was the way I liked it. I'm an introverted person often wishing to be left alone. Today I didn't feel socially drained, though. Spending 2 hours in a crowded arena with loud fans might suggest otherwise but I was feeling great. In fact this had been one of the best nights for a very long time.

I left like the others but didn't feel like returning to the hotel, even though my feet were aching. I was still in this natural state of euphoria and I wanted it to last as long as possible. I didn't want to waste any time by going to sleep.

I decided to walk around the streets of Atlanta, I had been here a few times already since it wasn't too far away from where I lived. Well it still were 4 hours by car but after Nashville it was the nearest big city. I lived half an hour away from Nashville, I went there almost everyday since my university was there. But now I was walking randomly in Atlanta and I was loving it. I felt the soft breeze caressing my skin. I was so happy that I was grinning like a kid who had just gotten his new favourite toy. This night was truly amazing and it would become even more unforgettable.

Half an hour later I saw a group of boys in front of a bar, trying to decide whether to enter or not.

"Oh my God" a scream of disbelief and excitement had left my lips. A few people turned around and even one of the boys did.  Sam, he was the one to turn around to look at me with curiosity. I was staring right back with excitement in my eyes. I ran towards them and repeated my affirmation before adding "You're fucking Greta Van Fleet!" The boys chuckled but before they could reply anything I immediately continued talking.

"I literally just left your concert, which by the way was absolutely amazing! This must be the best day of my life!!" I felt like a teenager talking to her crush, all excited and nervous, trying to make the best impression possible.

"Wait, are you the girl who gave me this bracelet?" Josh, the vocalist asked, while pointing towards his wrist where he had my bracelet. I awkwardly nodded not thinking he would still wear it or remember my face.

"Josh, hasn't stopped talking about how pretty this mysterious girl was that gave him that bracelet" Jake said jokingly winking at me. Josh pushed him away while Sam and Danny started laughing. I did so too.

"I don't want to bother any longer, but can we take a picture together so that I'll make sure to know that I didn't just dream it all?" I asked hoping for a positive answer. They all immediately agreed and a few seconds later we had already taken the picture.

Afterwards, when I was about to leave, Josh called me back again and asked me to join them for dinner even though it was one am. I couldn't hide my surprise and I wasn't the only one.

"Since when do we invite fans to dinner, Josh?" Sam stated slightly annoyed. I nodded and asked "Yeah why did you invite me?"

"Maybe I was just looking forward to spending some time with a pretty girl like you" he replied smirking and dragging me into the bar, one arm wrapped around my shoulders. He was definetely drunk but that made the experience just more exciting. I noticed that Jake and Danny were happy that I had joined even though Sam was still kinda disappointed to not have had an evening with his brothers and friends.

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