The concert (14)

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I woke up that morning with memories forcing themselves in my consciousness. I thought about the evening with Sam, how beautiful it was, how gentle he had been and how I had promised myself not to do something like that again.

Josh had always been perfectly honest to me and he didn't suspect a thing about me and Sam. Sam on the other hand had been rude to me countless times and knew exactly about my "relationship" with Josh.

I knew that I had to stop this, it was unfair towards Josh, towards Sam and even towards me. But I also knew that I had tried to stay away from Sam and that hadn't worked out. And the biggest problem was that I had enjoyed it and that I would like to do it again. I had to stop this with one of them, but with who? I liked both, I didn't know if I was in love with them, but it was probable.

So I decided to get ready and push my thoughts aside. Today was the day of the concert after all. I still needed to visit some things in New York city and the boys would be busy with sound check etc. At least I wouldn't have to see Josh and Sam immediately.

So that was what I did: I visited the madame Tussauds museum, which I loved. I walked past some celebrities and took some selfies like everyone did. I sat down on the chair next to Jimmy Fallon and asked a stranger to take a picture of me, while I pretended to talk to him. I took a selfie with Taylor Swift in that colorful dress and with Marilyn Monroe. Johnny Depp was there as well and I sent the selfie to Laura immediately. Both of us loved him.

Another fun thing except for the people was a piano on the ground that you could play with your feet. I tried to play a melody Sam taught me, but it was quite difficult to jump from one key to another. In complex I had a lot of fun at that museum.

Then I also went to the Morgan Library & Museum, since I had seen a few pictures online and it seemed beautiful. The first thing I noticed was that everything was brown, from the wooden to the upholstered ceiling. It was beautiful seeing so many books in one place, but most of them were behind bars, so that we couldn't touch them. They also had a really big collection of magazines.

I had had a lot of fun visiting these two museums and I was as ready as I could ever be for the concert that night. Josh had texted me that I would have to ask the security staff for a special badge, so that I could enter the room in which they would get ready.

I walked back to the hotel room first since I still had to get ready. I decided to wear a tight black dress, that revealed a lot of skin. I did black graphic eyeliner and put some matte dark lipstick on. I loved the final look and I knew that the others would too. Dress to impress, right?

I called an uber to take me to the concert hall, since it was too far away to go by foot. After I arrived I followed Josh's instructions and walked over to a security member. He was rude at first but changed his attitude completely as soon as I told him my name. The boys had presumingly warned him about my arrival.

I asked him to take me to the changing room of the band, but he just gave me some confusing instructions. I tried to follow them but ended up getting lost not long after. I found another staff member soon after and they took me to the room where the boys were before the concert.

I knocked on the door and a few seconds later Jake welcomed me with a grin, immediately dragging me inside. Chaos had taken over the whole room. Danny was trying to play golf, but Sam was kicking away all of Danny's balls before they arrived at destination. Josh was laughing at the two of them with an open bottle of vodka in his hand.

He was the first one to notice me, but the other two did immediately after, since he screamed out my name. All of them were clearly really excited to perform that night and they all had drank more than one glass of beer. They pulled me into a tight hug and I ended up being squeezed between the boys, I could smell Vodka and even some Marijuana.

"Wait, something is missing" Josh commented, looking me up and down. I was blushing as he took in every centimeter of my body. "I got it! I'll be back" he said, running out of the room. The boys had already started doing something different, they were all already in costume, just waiting for the show to start. Danny had started playing the drums on the table and Sam was singing something in gibberish.

Josh came back a few minutes later with something in his hand. He pushed me on the couch, shutting me down everytime I tried to ask what he was doing. He carefully started putting something on my face, he was really concentrating, he was even biting down on his lip.

After he was done he dragged me in front of a mirror and I saw that he had applied some rhinestones on my cheekbones. Exactly like the ones he had. I started grinning as I turned around.He smiled back at me as I thanked him. God, he was so adorable.

I didn't even have time to sit down on the couch again, since we were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was a staff member, who told me that the show would start in 15 minutes and that it would be better to make my way towards the area that was reserved for friends and family of the band. I did as I was told to, but not without wishing the guys the best of luck, but I knew they wouldn't need it.

I had now arrived in the private area and I took in everything. The immense crowd. The big stage and the security walking around.

I could feel the tension in the air
I could feel it in my veins
I could feel my heart beating faster and I could feel that weird feeling in my stomach build up.
I could feel the tension in everything that surrounded me.

And I was loving it.

I could see some dark silhouettes walking on the stage and I wondered if it was them already or if it was the crew. Other fans noticed it as well, some were pointing at the figures and some were trying to get a better look at them to recognize one of the boys.

Suddenly I heard Dannny start with the drums and in the exact moment his drum sticks hit the tom, fire exploded behind him, making the crowd explode in euphoric screams.

A few moments later Sam and Jake walled up on the stage each on a different side, playing their instruments. We were so excited and all happy with the choice of the song. I had forgotten to ask them what songs they would play and was pleasantly surprised when I recognized "Safari Song".

Josh joined the others 15 seconds later, screaming the high note. That was a crazy start, I was completely flipping out. He was just amazing.

After a while I noticed Josh looking at the crowd, it seemed like he was looking for someone specific. I wondered and hoped at the same time that it was me.

I sang along to each song, until "You're the one" came up and I locked eyes with Josh.

It seemed like the whole concert had stopped and everyone had disappeared. It was just him singing the song to me.

It was him and I.
No one else.
It seemed like the most right thing in the world.

He sang to me like he meant every single word of the song and I really wished it was true.

"You're the one I want" he sang that smiling directly at me.

"You're the one I need" and at that moment I believed him. The way he sang it, completely sincere, made me want to throw myself into his arms. Deep down I knew that he was just delivering a great performance, but I couldn't help, but hope that it was me he was singing to. I wondered who he might have written the song about, an imaginary lover or an old flame?

When the song stopped I felt that moment pass, I was back at the concert of my favorite band, just watching. For a moment I thought that I had imagined it all, but as soon as Josh spoke to the mic again I knew I was wrong.

"There is a special person in the crowd right now and I would ask her to join me for a song. Some of you might already know her, but for those who don't: let me introduce you to the love of my life". I thought about the evening with Sam, how beautiful it was, how gentle he had been and how I had promised myself not to do something like that again.


Heyy, how are you all doing? How was your day?

I wanted to thank you for 550 reads, I love you all so much! Just know that I'm really greatful and that this book means so much to me


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