The night before the concert (12)

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The two weeks before the concert had passed painfully slowly. I hadn't done anything productive, except preparing my luggage for the trip.

I was sitting at the airport, waiting for the plane. I would arrive in New York city in a few hours. The first thing I would do is discover the city, then I would meet up with the boys at the hotel and we'd go to dinner together. The concert was tomorrow and I was happy to have a day to do sightseeing in New York City.

The plane finally arrived and I had to go through the procedures, before entering the plane and sitting down. After I did that, I put my headphones on and listened to the whole Greta Van Fleet discography. I also read the book that I had brought with me, waiting to finally arrive.

My anxiety was rising, I was looking forward to visiting such a famous city for the first time, but especially to meeting the boys. I hadn't seen Josh in two weeks and had missed him. I didn't know how Sam would act and that worried me. I hadn't seen Danny and Jake in a long time and I was happy to see them again as well.

It was sad that I didn't really get close to them, since we had met only three times, but I meant to change that today. They both were amazing people and I really liked them. Also seeing them all together was beautiful. They were a big, loving and chaotic family. I never had something like that and seeing them made me happy. 

A few hours later I arrived at the airport, I was lucky it didn't take me long to get my luggage and after 35 minutes I was already at starbucks ordering a coffee. I called an uber and asked him to take me to Times Square.

As soon as I arrived there I noticed how overwhelming this area was. It was extremely busy with thousands of people and with neon lights and buildings. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to enter that chaos filled with strangers, restaurants and theaters.

I really couldn't imagine how this place could be filled with more life, it was somehow scary. I couldn't help but wnder, if there would be enough oxygen for me in that crowd.

I managed to go to Broadway to see the famous theaters. I would have loved to see a show as well, but there wasn't enough time.

The afternoon continued like this, I did a lot of sightseeing, trying to at least observe everything from afar. I had decided that I wanted to visit the madam Tussaud museum the following day, since I wouldn't have enough time today. I noticed that it was already late and that I wouldn't be able to meet the boys in time if I didn't hurry up.

Finding an uber at this time of the day, in such a busy area, was nearly impossible, so I had to wait 30 minutes. I obviously arrived late, but I had warned Josh beforehand.

"We thought you had ditched us!" Jake said as soon as he saw me. 

"I'm so sorry, I got sucked in the chaotic beauty of New York" I said while walking towards them. Josh pulled me into a quick tight hug and so did the others. Except Sam, obviously. He just put a hand on my shoulder and guided me inside to our rooms.

Everyone's rooms were next to each other's and that was comforting. Mine was next to Josh's and Jake's. Josh helped me bring my luggage into my room, even though I insisted that I could do it on my own. 

I got ready for dinner, opting for a beige top and a black skirt. I kept my hair open and my makeup simple. I just renewed the mascara and the lipgloss. 

As I walked out of my room I noticed that they were all waiting for me. "Omg did I make you wait for a long time?" I asked not realizing how much time I had spent in my room. It had felt like 15 minutes but maybe I was wrong.

"Oh no don't worry, we just walked out of our room as well" Danny said smiling. The restaurant they had chosen was really near to the hotel, so we went there by foot. I was walking next to Josh, but I could feel Sam's gaze on my back the whole time. The glare was so heavy that it almost felt like my back was on fire.

We arrived at the restaurant and sat down. The waitress arrived a few seconds later and ordered the drinks and the food. 

"Are you excited for the concert tomorrow?" I asked, wondering if they still had anxiety before concerts and if they were happy to have them, or if they all just blurred together and were boring.

"Yeah, it's been a while since we've had a concert and it's always fun" Josh said excitedly. His raspy voice always coming through when he spoke louder. The others agreed.

"Isn't it boring to play the same songs over and over again?" I didn't know how it felt like to play your hit songs constantly.

"No, it's not boring. There are some songs that I personally like playing more than others, but.." Jake didn't have the time to finish, since Josh interrupted him, like he always did. 

"I love Highway tune, but we play it constantly. Flower power, however, is a song I never get sick of singing." Jake shot him a glare, clearly annoyed that he got interrupted. I smiled and nodded, satisfied with the answers and amused by the two brothers.

The food and the drinks arrived shortly after and we continued chatting. Sam seemed to relax and to be having fun, he asked me a few questions and made some jokes that made us all laugh. 

It was so fun to have dinner with them and I couldn't help but compare it to the night I had met all of them. Josh and I had gotten really close, he was still flirty, but the difference was that his hand landed often on my arm, while he talked. It really seemed that physical touch was his love language. 

Jake and I were joking constantly and exchanging opinions. I really felt like he and I could become really good friends. Danny was nice and sweet as usuals, he was the dad of the group, but he could also be really crazy sometimes. Especially when he had alcohol in his system, like tonight. 

Sam was being really friendly tonight, not like the first time we had met. He seemed to have completely forgotten about what a bitch he had been to me, last time we had met. I pretended to have forgotten about it as well, wanting to have a nice evening. 

After we had finished eating we walked back to the hotel and I couldn't help but notice the big pool near the entrance and that was how I got an idea. We all said good night and entered our respective room. I quickly changed and put a bikini on. I also wore an oversized t-shirt and some short jeans, before I walked out of my hotel room. I wanted to knock at Josh's door and ask him if he wanted to go to the pool. I was fine with going alone or with the others. I would leave that up to him.

As I stepped foot into the corridor I saw Sam outside his room. "What are you doing still outside?" he asked surprised to see me. 

"I could ask you the same thing" I commented, raising an eyebrow. "I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to go to the pool" 

"You are aware that it's closed during the night, right?" he asked playfully. I just smirked in response. He walked to the exit and when he noticed that I wasn't following him he asked "Are you coming or not?"

"Don't you want to ask the others to join us?"

"no." he replied firmly, continuing to walk. I followed him.

The weight of loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz