Morning after sex (7)

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I woke up during the night still in Josh's arms. Both of us hadn't eaten dinnner, since we went to sleep after sex. I also hadn't done my skincare routine, so I decided to do both.

I thought about waking Josh up, but he was sleeping so deep and he looked so angelic that I changed my mind. I was more happy than I wanted to admit, that Josh was still in my bed.

I went to the kitchen and prepared myself some cereal with milk. While I did that I checked my phone, even though I didn't have any texts. While I ate I spend the time thinking about last night and watching tik tok. That app was really addicting.

When I was done, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. Afterwards I went to bed again and found Josh still asleep. I was happy I didn't wake him up. I layed down next to him as gentle as possible and tried to continue to sleep.

I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep immediately but when I woke up it was already morning.

And I was alone.

Why did I think that this would be any different?

I walked to the kitchen with rising disappointment, only to find a handsome man, only wearing boxers, smiling at me.

"I prepared some pancakes, I hope you don't mind" I couldn't help but laugh.

"I thought you were gone for a sec" He looked at me in surprise.

"You asked me not to" He said it like it was the most nautral thing in the world that he hadn't leave.

We then sat down and ate the pancakes. They were delicious. I ate two of them with peanut butter and two of them with fresh strawberries that Josh had found in the refrigerator. I was so full by the end of our breakfast that I felt like I would explode any minute. But that made everything more pleasant.

"Don't we have to talk about yesterday" Josh asked, his voice unsteady.

"Yeah, ehm I guess we should" I didn't want to, obviously, but we had no choice. "I think we have three options: 1. We pretend like nothing happened and continue to be friends like before; 2. We officially go out, if that's what we want;
3. We continue to do what we did yesterday while remaining friends"

"Oh what do you think?" He seemed scared to choose. The insecurities had kicked in.

"Well I dont know. I didnt mind yesterday"

"Me neither" He responded laughing. That made the conversation a lot easier.

"How about we continue to be friends without excluding any of the other options?" He finally proposed.

"Yeah we'll see how our friendship develops" I quickly agreed.

Afterwards we continued to chat about random things but he eventually had to go. He quickly got fully dressed, ready to leave.

I accompanied him to the door but before he walked out of my dwelling he kissed me slowly. His tongue gently caressing mine. I completely lost myself in the kiss and slid one hand through his curls.

That wasn't something friends did but we both didn't mind. Before the kiss started becoming more steamy we pulled away looking into each other's eyes.

Josh took a step back grinning "See you around, love"

And then he was gone. And I was staring at the now closed door smiling. I smiled so much that my face muscles started to ache.

I didn't do anything that day. I chatted with Laura for a while telling her what happened.

Laura: "Omg, he's so into you"
Laura: "I would want him to fuck the shit out of me aswell"
Me: "Laura!!"
Me: "He's mine, btw"
Laura: "Wouldn't expect anything else"
Laura: "Your pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola, did he ever tell you that?"
Me: "That's a Lana Del Rey song!!! Plus that's not true. Pussys don't taste like Pepsi Cola"
Me: "And trust me, I've tried a lot ;)"

We continued chatting like this, I often laughed at her and my texts. I wondered what Josh was doing right now. Was he telling everything Jake? Was he composing a new song or maybe rehearsing with the boys? Maybe he was just chilling without thinking about me. Maybe he was thinking about me.

I decided to practice playing the piano now that it finally worked. I still felt so ridiculous that it was in the wrong key and I wasn't able to change it.

While playing I thought about Sam. What had Josh said before kissing me? "Sam is going to kill me"??? What was that supposed to mean? I didn't waste any more thoughts on that, because I knew that it would be useless.

I thought about the upcoming concert instead. It was so sweet that Josh had gifted me the tickets. I was so ready to be impressed by them once more.

The day flew by and it was already bed time. I took out my book and got ready to read, since I hadn't done that much in the last few days. I checked my phone first and found a text from Sam: "I think it would be better to practice at your place next time. So that you create a bond with your piano or smth"

I didn't reply to him immediately, I was just too lazy. So I read and slept afterwards. I missed Josh's comforting hug, it relaxed me, but I fell asleep anyway.

Hey, I wanted to write the next AN in the last chapter but since it was really long I figured that y'all wouldn't read it. This chapter was pretty boring since it was a filler chapter but be prepared for some interesting stuff to happen in the next one.

Don't forget to vote and to comment, my loves.

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