"The love of my life" (15)

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"There is a special person in the crowd right now and I would ask her to join me for a song. Some of you might already know her, but for those who don't: let me introduce you to the love of my life"

I suddenly felt my heart beating faster. My body was having a mind of his own, it completely refused to move and my lungs refused to take in some oxygen. I felt as though I would fall down on the ground never reach the ground. For a fleeting moment I actually convinced myself that I was falling, the feeling of the ground under my feet was gone. The fall felt endless, maybe I was stuck like that forever. 

"Selene may you come up on stage?" Josh said again, noticing that I hadn't moved a single bit. That was the thing to get me out of that trance. I must have had my eyes closed since I hadn't noticed the security standing next to me, ready to escort me to the stage. 

I didn't know what had cause that reaction in me; if it was the anxiety to walk up on stage in front of a thousand people, the happiness that Josh had called me "The love of my life" or the guilt of knowing how much he cared about me and how I had so shamelessly betrayed him.

As I walked next to the security guys, I felt everyone's heavy gaze upon me, but especially Sam's and Josh's. It seemed like  was standing in the crowd one second ago and now I was facing Josh's adorable smile.

"Hello, love" he greeted me, taking my hand in his. He raised our arms and shouted into the microhone, "I want some noise for Selene!", making the crowd scream.

"So, what song would you like to sing with me, darling? According to our setlist we were going to perform "Light my love" next... Are you up for the challenge?"

"I-I don't know" I akwardly suttered. There was no way in hell, that I would sing such a at the same time difficult and beautiful song. But I also knew that when the boys had something in mind it was IMPOSSIBLE to stop them.

"Oh come on, Selene. Don't be scared. Josh doesn't bite unless you want him to" Jake joined in with a playful grin on his lips. I blushed and looked away. It was the first time that I had looked t the crowd from the stage and it seemed like it was really small and enourm at the same time. I couldn't see the directly into the faces of the people, but I noticed their expressions: they were curious and wanted to see me in action.

Not even I had the courage to disappoint so many people, especially the members of Greta Van Fleet. So I nodded agreeing to singing with Josh. Thankfully I had kinda warmed up my voice, by singing along to the songs, otherwise I would have been doomed. 

They all started smiling and Jake pulled me to his side and took a microphone from the staff, handing it over to me. 

Sam started playing the piano and the other joined in, creating that heavenly melody. Josh whispered in my ear, that he wanted me to start and that he would give me a sign when we would switch. 

"Can you light my love?" I started singing, trying my best to sound as good as possible. 

"Deeper than oceans you run, watch as our world has begun" After that verse Josh gave me a sign to stop singing. 

"Your mind is a stream of coulours" that line was one of my favorites from the whole song and he sang it looking direcly into my eyes. This line meant that our mind was made of oure light that going through a prisme becomes a stream of colors. 

What they meant by "extending beyond our sky" was that our mind is infinite and powrful and that we should acknowledge it. 

 The beautiful thing about this love song is that it isn't adressed to a single being but to humanity. He once stated that he dedicated this song to is mother and that it represented the love of a mother for his children. Like Josh's love for future generations. 

Everytime that I listen to this ong, I think about what Josh once said in an interview about this song

"It is one of those really naturalist things that draws from the space of nature or the importance of nature as the foundation of existence, in that we're talking about the human organism being the extension of one's environment."

Probably the best part of the song followed these lines full of meaning. The way that Josh hit the high note sent shivers down my whole body. My body reacted to his singing, like flowers reacted to the sun. He was a warm breeze of air in a world full of ice. 

 I don't know how I knew that I was supposed to sing the second whoah, but I just did. 

It wasn't necessary to say that the crowd was having the time of their live, completely flipping out during the scream. 

This was probably the time I had sang it the best. I always worked better under pressure and this was the proof for it.  My voice sounded foreign to my ears, it had something angelic in it and something full of love. You could hear all my inner thoughts in it if you listened closely. 

Josh started singing the second verse, which was way more difficult to interpret. "A grand revolution outlined; Hate bound by fear will unwind" From singing a deep love song he went to singing a song abut war, about time about hate and about distruction. But it was an optimistic way to sing about it, both hate and fear would unwind and we'd go back to peace and freedom. 

It was my turn to sing the part Josh had sang before. For me it was always the most difficult one, since you head to let your mixed voice and sing ina vocal technique called by some people edge mixed with overdrive. You also had to really open your vocal vessels, so that the sound doesn't come out nasal or weak. 

As Josh did before I screamed the first note and Josh the second. We were sound amazing. During the instrumental break Josh and me vocalized a bit, but before the final scream Josh came over to me and whispered that we should sing it together. And so we did.

It made the song even more special and it would make me tingle later while rewatching the performance. The croed loved it too, I could see that by how excitedly they were all jumping around and singing along to the song. 

Even though I would have never chosen to do this, I was greatful that the boys gave me this oppurtunity. 

And once again it felt as though time was playing tricks on me, one second I was thanking the boys for letting me on stage with them and the other I was standing in the pit area watching them performing another song. 

The concert continued without any other unexpected events. Just like expected they continued nailing their performances, leaving me out of breath after every song. Their last song was one of my all time favourites. "the weight of dreams" 

It was one of the first songs I had ever heard by them and it had left an impact in me since then. I always though that Josh's voice made Greta Van Fleet unique, but Jake's solo in this song gave me tingles every time. You could feel his emotions coming through while playing. 

After a few minutes the song started slowing down and Danny started slowing down the rythm with his drums. I wouldn't be able to say what exactly they changed in this transition, but it shook me even deeper than expected. As soon as Jake's solo started I felt tears running down my cheeks. The song in its entity was so beautiful and deep that it made me cry more often then I would have ever admitted to the boys.

The weight of loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang