An unexpected offer (16)

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As soon as Greta Van Fleet left the stage, I felt that euphoric feeling again that I had the night I met them. I was in a pure state of bliss, not caring about the people around me, some of them staring at me. I was living my best life and nothing would have ruined that for me. 

Or so I thought.

But I was unaware of what would come afterwards and if I think of it, I know that it was better like that. I probably wouldn't have even believed it if I had known before. I was so desperately in love with them and so optimistic. It was the first time in my life that I was happy to be alive, being so sure that my story was destined to have a happy ending after everything I had been put through. 

So, unaware of the future, I made my way to the dressing room of the boys. My makeup had probably smeared all across my face from all the dancing, sweating and crying, but I didn't care. 

I excitedly knocked at the door and Danny immediately opened the door. I pulled him into a tight hug, making them all laugh, seeing how excited I was.

"You were so fucking amazing!!!" I almost yelled across the room, unable to contain my enthusiasm. I was behaving like a baby, but I didn't care. They needed to know how proud of them I was.

"I thought you'd be angry, cause I pulled you on stage" Josh commented, surprised by my mood.

"I don't think I ever could be angry at you Joshy. But you should have asked me first" I replied grinning, unable to stay serious or to pretend to be angry at him. I thought about what Josh had said about me, while asking me on stage and I blushed. 

"That's true, but I was scared you would have said no and it was a rather spontaneous decision" he was just like me, euphoric and truly happy. I could hear the same enthusiasm in his voice, accentuated by the strong rasp in his voice. Like during the concert I felt like we were the only people in the room.

I knew he felt the same way, because his eyes were on me the whole time. I wondered if they could ever leave me and if I could ever look at something else. His radiant beauty was mesmerizing, almost blinding, but if the price to pay to look at him was never seeing anything else again, I would have paid it. At that moment I felt like I would have done anything for him. If he wanted to cross the ocean I would have built him an endless bridge and if he wanted to become immortal I would have split my soul in two to make his dream come true. 

Suddenly Jake threw me on the couch, breaking that spell. I let out a scream, making all around me burst into laughter. I looked over to Josh and saw him gently smiling at me. I smiled back. 

I grabbed a small pillow that was laying on the couch and threw it at Jake, who had turned around, proud of himself. "You've started a dangerous game, Jacob!"

The boys grabbed other things from the room, like clothes, other pillows and empty water bottles and we started thwowing at each other everything we could find. Jake had started war and he would pay for it.


Even though we were tired, because of the long evening and the pillow fight we went back to the hotel and did some shots in Jake's room. We had so much fun, playing all sorts of drinking games. After that we decided to play two truths and a lie. 

"Okay, I start" Danny said excitedly. He may be the calmest of them, but he was like a storm, all chaotic and unpredictable. 

"I once played the harp as a child, I plan on asking Mackenzie to marry me and I hate wearing shoes" he started, looking each of us in the eye to seem less sus. 

He really was good at this game, all of the options seemed true from the way he said them. But it was impossible that he wanted to ask Mackenzie to marry him. They were so young and the boys would have known about a thing like that. 

"The second one is wrong. You don't plan on asking Mackenzie to marry you" I commented fully convinced, the alcohol still burning in my throat from the last shot.

He looked me in the eyes. "Wrong" he simply replied. It took all of us a while to process the information, since we were completely wasted. The first one to get up was Sam, who ran over to his friend and hugged him. The others quickly followed, at first I stayed behind, not wanting to ruin such a moment for the family. Then I pulled Danny into a tight hug and yelled "OMG I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU" into his ears. He laughed while hugging me back. 

It was my turn afterwards stating 2 truths and a lie. "Laura once bought me a vibrator and named it Greta Van Pleasure; I had a picture of you guys in my room and I once had a huge fight with my dad, cause he said that you sounded too much like Led Zeppelin" 

A grinning Josh yelled that the first one was wrong, but I shook my head. As they all stared at me, I burst out into laughter finding their facial expressions hilarious. "The last one is wrong, my dad actually loved you guys"

"Wait a minute, that means you have a fucking vibrator called Greta Van Pleasure? What color is it?" Jake yelled through the room. 

"That's my business, sweetie. Also it's not my fault you all are hot as fuck" Josh suddenly got up almost pourring his glass over. "I need to speak to you all, come with me"

I got up to follow Josh inside the room, but he quickly stopped me: "Not you, love" Without even giving me time to react he shut the door in my face.

"Rude" I muttered while sitting down and waiting for them. They came out 5 minutes later all smirking down at me. "Who's gonna tell her?" Danny asked not being able to contain his excitement. The alcohol was confusing me almost as much as these dudes and that wasn't a good combination. 

"I am! It was my idea after all" Josh replied. He sat down next to me, the others quickly following him. I looked at Sam, who looked like he wanted to say something , but got distracted by Josh who started talking.

"You may be aware that we have another concert coming up soon, in LA. We still need an opening artist and we thought about you..."

"Wait are you for real?? But I haven't written any original songs yet and I don't have label!" I interrupted Josh not being able to take him seriously. He was definitely talking because of the alcohol in his veins and they surely hadn't thought it through. 

"You could do some famous rock/metal covers and we would deal with the label etc. It would be a great oppurtunity for you and you'd do us a big favor!" Sam joined in on the conversation replying to my question. I got up and pulled all of them into a tight hug, laughing and thanking them 


Heyy, I feel like a hopeless romantic writing this first part of the chapter. It probably must be one of my favourite chapters. The second part is soo chaotic, though. 

I wanted to thank all of you for your support and kindness. I've made some true friends here on wattpad and I'll forever be grateful for that. 

This story is coming to an end, I don't know how many chapters there will be, but we've written/read more than half of it.

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