Piano lessons? (3)

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After we were done, I walked around the studio sitting down in front of the white piano. "Oh God, I would kill to learn how to play it!" I stated, because it was true. Once you how to play it you could create so beautiful melodies and play any song.

"Sam could teach you" Josh proposed casually, without even asking his brother first.

"Wait really?" I asked looking at Sam, who had his eyes wide open in shock.

"Absolutely not" he said denying everything immediately. It seemed like Jake was saying with his eyes: "c'mon, pull yourself together man and accept that offer" but Sam didn't seem convinced at all.

"She is such a nice girl, you should learn how to appreciate her character instead of being so grumpy. At least give her a chance" Danny commented, he was the "dad" of the group.

"Maybe its not too late, to learn how to love and forget how to hate" I commented trying to convince him. I was looking forward to having a new excuse to spend some time with the Kiszka brothers.

"Did you just make a "crazy train" reference?" Sam asked.

I shrugged. "Maybe... it's a great song afterall" He laughed, seemingly really surprised that I'd include a quote of such a great song in a random conversation.

"Okay, but I choose the place and the time. And I can't promise anything regular, since I'm really busy." he finally agreed still annoyed at his band mates for forcing him to give me piano lessons for free. But I didn't care, I was really happy, since it was a dream I had had for a very long time. Plus learning it from such a good musician was just something else.

"Thank you so so much, Sam!"

He told me that he'd text me the time and the place, so I walked to the station to go home. How could the day have started in such a terrible way and have ended in such an amazing one?


It was evening and I was getting ready for a party with Laura. Yes, the one who ditched me for a boy yesterday, but she really wanted to make up for it.

We were going to a party of some rich kid Laura new. It was the best excuse to put some heavy makeup on and a dress that would make me feel like a bad bitch and so I did.

I opted for a black smokey eyeshadow and some dark brown overlined lips. The dress was black, as well and hugged by body perfectly. It made my hips look wider in a more hourglass shape and made my boobs more defined.

Honestly, I was looking amazing. To complete the look I added some black boots with heels.

"Selene, you're looking amazing. If one of the brothers would see you right now, they'd definitely fuck the shit out of you"

"LAURA!!! Stop it" My laughter didn't help sounding more convincing at all. She just laughed winking at me.

We had made a dramatic entrance at the party. As we entered the villa Laura had been annoyed by some random drunk dude, he didn't just catcall her, but he also tried to grab her by the thigh. It's unnecessary to tell you that she wasn't into it. So, since the guy was standing in front of the pool and was to drunk to probably remeber anything that would happen this night, I pushed him into the pool.

It just took one glance towards Laura to explode into laughter. There were people staring at us, but we were to busy laughing to care.

Soon after the actual fun started and I ended up with two glasses full of beer in my hands. I didn't know why I had two, but who cared. After I drank them I joined some other guys in a drinking game. Saying I was drubk would be an absurd reduction.

I had lost Laura an hour ago, but I was enjoying everything. I started dancing to the music, I hated that genre so much but I was having fun anyway.

Some dudes offered me some drugs but I declined the offer, the only thing I did was some weed but just sometimes.

After a while I decided to check my phone where I saw two unrelated messages: one from Josh and the other one from Sam. I giggled before even reading the texts.

Josh: "The video is doing really well! You truly were amazing"

Sam: "How about Thursdays at 4pm, my studio?"

I didn't respond to any of them since I was too drunk and too euphoric.

A few hours later Laura and I left the party, calling an uber, cause walking around in these conditions was way too dangerous.

"Do you know who I slept with" she asked grinning. "Robert Stevens"

"No fucking way!" Robert Stevens was a guy we went to highschool with. He was the tipcal popular annoying guy Laura had had a crush on.

"He doesn't know how to lick pussy" The driver gave us a dirty look but the two of us just laughed it off.

That was the beautiful thing about being friends with Laura, while you were with her it was amazing but we didn't see each other too often and when we did she would easily leave me alone if there was a somewhat cute guy around the corner.

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