- chapter two -

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being a fashion student isn't always easy, the first week was hell for minghao. he just got back to Korea and is already starting on a collection to show off to the new students, and he's already been lacking sleep. but at least he got his two friends with him, they all were lacking sleep.

he stood up from his chair and cleaned all the fabric that were scattered on the table, it was just 8pm so he decided to open up his laptop and opened instagram. minghao just scrolled through and then came across the volleyball club profile, the profile had a lot of followers, yea of course it's because of the guys on the team.

minghao scrolled down on the profile and looked at the different pictures that were posted, as he saw a picture of mingyu he instantly smiled. his heart again started to beat faster even if he hasn't really met the taller one. minghao doesn't know what this feelings is, the feeling that he is happy to see him but again is afraid to talk to him. so he can only stalk him through social media.

"why do I feel so sad..everytime I look at your picture or just see you at university?" minghao mumbled as he jus stared at the photo of mingyu, the taller one doesn't really look into the camera but it kinda looks like he is trying to find something.

the comment section were full of fangirls and of course boys too, he swiped through the different picture and minghao was not gonna lie. mingyu were quite handsome, tall and tan. he decided to just screenshot the picture, he cheeks got red as he stared at the picture more. if seungkwan and jieqiong knew about this, they would probably tease him all day.

"omg...no let's just go to sleep.." minghao said as he closed his laptop and went to his bed, it didn't take him long before he was fast asleep.


[an; just a reminder that italics will be the story of wonwoo and soonyoung aka the flashbacks]

"wonwoo? can I ask you something?" soonyoung said as he sat beside his lover by the pond at the park, "hmm what?" wonwoo  glanced away from his book.

"do you think we'll meet again after we die and if we are reincarnated?" soonyoung asked as he smiled, the taller one just smiled and flicked his fingers to his lovers forehead lightly, "is this from these novels you have been reading?"

"ouch, just answer..." soonyoung said as he rubbed his forehead and pouted, wonwoo then puts his book down and stared at soonyoung before kissing his forehead, "yes, definitely" wonwoo answer softly as he showed a soft smile to soonyoung.

"really? you think that?" soonyoung said with a surprised look, "yes, really" wonwoo answer as he intertwined there hands, "I will look for you until we meet". soonyoung then leaned his head on wonwoo's shoulder and smiled.

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