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Dark Cacao and the dark mage held their weapons face to face. Both disheveled from their fight. 

"Those damn cowards." He thought. The Pomegranate priestess purposely left the mage to fight on his own so her and the mushroom child can escape. Dark Cacao gets himself ready as the dark mage summons the Licorice Seas again. Except the dark mage collapses in mid-air. As the dark mage was about fall into the dangerous seas Dark Cacao caught him in time. Only to discover that the dark mage is dangerously light. Lighter in a blueberry bird.

Dark Cacao took a closer look and pulls the mage's hair out of his face see that the younger one's face is half-rotten. The mage looks like he's on the verge between of life and death. He gently covers the rotting half as he wrapped the dark mage with his cape and carried him to the castle. As expected, the healers asked if they are need of service. He nodded then gave them the dark mage. They understood the situation and carried the mage to a prison cell. He followed them until they place the mage on a mat.

Dark Cacao knew the chances of the mage making it are low so he needs find his son, Dark Choco. It didn't took him long as Dark Choco came to him. "Dark Choco, I wish to speak to you." He said. Dark Choco stiffen. "I knew that I'll be executed." He laughed gently to himself. Dark Cacao shook his head. "It's about your comrade. The dark mage one." He responded. Dark Choco look up. "Does he have any family we can talk too if he passed on? Outside of the darkness?" He asked.

Dark Choco thought about it, then said. "He was basically raised by the dark one." Dark Cacao blinks. "How about friends?" He asks. Dark Choco shook his head. "No one was allowed to have any friends." Dark Choco explains. "So Dark Enchantress created a cult." Dark Cacao thought. He sigh in frustration. "Does he at least have a name?" Dark Choco nodded. "Licorice." He answered. Dark Cacao blinks. "Dark Choco, the Licorice Tribe went extinct years ago."

"Then explain him." Dark Choco responded. As Dark Cacao was about to give his explanation the two heard a scream. "They must've saw his rotting face." Dark Cacao thought as the two went to the prison cell. Only to see that Licorice is not on the bed. "Tell everyone you can find to lock all doors and windows." He orders. The healers nodded and ran in separate directions. Dark Cacao turns and saw his son feeling the walls.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "Father, I known him for a while so trust me for a bit." Dark Choco reply in a whisper as he punched a wall. The large hole reveals that Licorice was inside. The three blinked till Licorice ran deeper in the walls. "Hey! Get back here!" Dark Cacao yelled. "Make me old man!" They heard Licorice. Dark Cacao turned to his son who was chuckling to himself before dashing in.

Dark Cacao followed them discovering Dark Choco had became more athletic since his exile. He watch as Dark Choco used the wooden boards and steel pipes similar to training grounds. Dark Cacao often finds himself going slow and steady as Dark Choco and Licorice race each other. Finally as they caught up to him. Licorice squeezed himself in a smaller hole. His golden eye is the only thing they can see. "Licorice. Get out of the hole." Dark Choco commanded. "You're not my master." Licorice replied.

"Licorice, You in my kingdom, therefore I am your master, now get out of the-"

"You're not my master!"

"Licorice, get out of that hole-"

"I'm in the hole and you're not!"

"I will literally drag you out-"

"I'm literally in the hole and you're not!"

"Get out of the hole or I'll drag you out!"

"I don't give a fuck!"

"Licorice, get out of the hole!"

"You're not my master!"

"Licorice, get of the hole."


Meanwhile it is impossible for Dark Cacao to keep a straight face. "Alright you asked for it!" Dark Choco said as he grabbed Licorice. Dark Cacao decided he had enough foolishness and went back to the newcomers. Who gave him a letter. After reading it he thanks GingerBrave and his friends and tells them that he has news for them as well. Dark Cacao calls out to his son and they all saw Dark Choco holding Licorice. Bound and gaged. "Um..Dark Choco? Why do you have him bound and gaged?" He asked. "Because he bites and scratches." Dark Choco answered as Licorice tries to break free.

GingerBrave and his friends went behind Dark Cacao while he grab a pin in his hair and place it in Licorice's neck. Which causes Licorice to fall asleep instantly. "I think you can put him in a dungeon for now." Dark Choco nodded before walking away. "So, what are you going to do with Old rags?" GingerBrave asked in a concern voice. "Well since Dark Choco claims that he was raised by the dark one. I'll get more information from him. Don't worry he won't leave my sight." Dark Cacao answered.

GingerBrave and his friends went quiet before leaving. Dark Cacao went to the dungeon while gathering a few healers. "Is this mage the last of his kind? How did she find him? And how did he control the seas?" He thought as million questions ran in his head. Whatever the reason is, he knew that Licorice is going to stay with him for a while.

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