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Licorice woke up to the sound of crunching leaves and a faint of lilies. Licorice groans as he sits up. "I'm sorry that I woke you." He hears a gentle coo like a dove. "It's okay. I've been meaning to leave anyway." He replied. The voice chuckled softly. "Well, thank you for finding my keys to my garden, as well repairing it." The voice said. Licorice opened his eye to see a woman with long white hair that's been put up in a braid and rose colored eyes. She wore a elegant dress made from the biggest leaves he had ever seen. The strange woman smiles warmly again. "Aww..You have the cutest horns I've ever saw." She said. Licorice panic and tries to cover them with his hands. "Don't be afraid," She said as she gently uncover Licorice's head. "I'm a fairy too." She explains as she tuck her hair behind her ears. Somehow Licorice felt a bit comfortable, but still.."What happened to your horns?" He asked.

The woman frown a bit. "My friends,..They had good intentions, but it was executed the wrong way." She explains. Licorice nodded, remembering what his master told him. That humans heartless creatures who will destroy anything that doesn't align to their vision. "My name is White Lily." She said. Licorice smiles a bit to be polite. "Licorice." He said. White Lily smiles gently. "Well Licorice, would you like to help me make apple jam?" She asked. "I never had apple jam before." Licorice said. White Lily smiled again. "Then we'll make it together." Licorice strugs as he got up to help her. White Lily taught Licorice how to peel and boil apples, but soon they're mixing in some honey to taste better. White Lily tells him to get water, while she prepares the apples. He did as he was told. Whites Lily called out to him when he finished and placed the apples into the bowl. She sprinkled some cinnamon over top of everything then stirs to mix. "Can you hand over the jars? They're right by the strawberries." White Lily asked.

"Sure ma'am." Licorice replied. They had made six jars of apple jam. "And now the taste test." White Lily said as she grabs a spoonful of jam and held it to Licorice. "Here, taste it." She said. Licorice took the spoon and tasted it. His face brightened up once he tasted it. "Yum!" He exclaimed. White Lily laughed. "That's nice, isn't it?" She asked. "Yeah." Licorice says as he closes the jar. White Lily then gave a jar  Licorice. "For to go." She explains. Licorice was surprised since he never had a gift before. "Um..thanks. Oh, and you can have the key, it was yours to begin with." He said. White Lily looked down at his hand. "Keep it." She said. Licorice looks at her surprised. "Why do you want me to keep it?" He asks. "Because..Well if I can't keep up with it then maybe you can." She explains. "But it's your garden." Licorice replied. "It's not mine alone, I need someone else to take care of it." White Lily explained. 

Licorice, still confused decided to not question further. "So are you saying that I can visit anytime?" He asked. "Whenever you'd like. If it makes you feel safer to come, I wouldn't mind. But please don't tell anyone about me." White Lily pleaded. "Alright, fine." He says. White Lily smiled sweetly as Licorice left, not before turning to say bye. Somehow Licorice senses a familiarity with White Lily. He couldn't place his finger on it, but it was there. When he returns the cell, he noticed that Dark Choco's armor is on the floor. "He went with Pure Vanilla." Dark Cacao said coming in. Dark Cacao noticed Licorice confused look. "He has a therapist appointment." He explains. "Where were you? The entire kingdom thought that you escape." Dark Cacao asked. "At the garden." Licorice answered. Dark Cacao blinked. "I didn't see you at the lily garden." He said. "No, the one outside the castle. Inside the walls." Licorice explains. "There was flowers that only grow in the springtime-" "Licorice," Dark Cacao cut him off. "There is no garden like that." Licorice bit his tongue. He wanted to show Dark Cacao the key, but something tells him that he shouldn't.

 "You must've been hallucinating, judging from the snow on your clothes." Dark Cacao said as he brush some off. Licorice silently pouts as Dark Cacao grabs him by the shoulder. "Since I found you, Crunchy Chip had been looking forward to meeting you." He said as they walked out. 

 Deserted GardensOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz