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Notes: The Beginning of Enemies to Friends arcs

"Uncle Velvet?...My head hurts..." Poison Mushroom moan. Red Velvet touched Poison Mushroom's head and realized Poison Mushroom is running a fever. He then reached into his pockets to grab some medicine, only to remember that he only has dog medicine. His heart sank as he glance at his nibling. "I'm sorry, Licorice. I can't even protect your kid." He thought to himself as he silently cried to himself. He...can't protect anyone, not Strawberry Crepe, not Licorice, and not Poison Mushroom. Everything he cherish and swore to protect always crumble in his hands..He's a failure. As he picks up Poison Mushroom, he heard a stick snapped. He slowly walks towards the sound came from to find...her. "You again?! Can't you just leave me alone?!" Red Velvet yelled. Pastry was taken aback. She didn't expect to see him again. "I didn't even know you're there-" She yelled back, only to cut herself off. "Is that a child?" She asks, looking at Poison Mushroom.

Red Velvet held his grip on Poison Mushroom. "Yes. But I won't let you harm them!" He shouted. Pastry set her crossbow down on the forest floor. "I have medicine." She said, holding it out. Red Velvet blinked. "Why didn't you show that kind of mercy to the cakehounds?" He demanded. "Two reasons. One, I was raised believing that cakehounds are evil creatures and two, I care about children whether you want to believe it or not." She replied. "I was going to use them on myself in case I get sick, but I believe they need it more." Pastry continues as she gives her water to Poison Mushroom. As Poison Mushroom takes it, she glance up. "I believe that we never properly introduce ourselves. What's your names?" She asks. Red Velvet hesitated, but decided that she deserves to know. "I'm Red Velvet. And this is my nibling, Poison Mushroom." He said. "You have siblings?" She asks. "Used to. They were both killed by the founders of two separate kingdoms. Now it just me." Red Velvet answer as he tries to stop himself from crying. Pastry put a gentle hand on Red Velvet's. "Pastry." She said. "What?" Red Velvet asks. "That's my name. Pastry." She explains.

"Pastry...That's a pretty name. But I'm still not going to forgive you for what you did to the cakehounds." Red Velvet said. Pastry nodded. "I don't expect forgiveness." Pastry then rubs Poison Mushroom's head. "But I hope I can make amends." She continued. "Where are you doing here?" Red Velvet asks. "I was going to ask the same thing, but to answer your question. I'm running away from St. Pastry's church- before you get the wrong idea, I named myself after the church not the other way around." Pastry answer. Red Velvet nodded in acknowledgment. "I was going to get revenge on the people who killed most of my family." He replied as he sat down. "Why are running away?" He ask. Pastry sat across from him. "I'm running away from St. Pastry's order because I've seen the truth." She replied. Pastry tells Red Velvet about her vision. Red Velvet nodded in acknowledgment. "So I wasn't imagining a fae." Red Velvet muttered under his breath.

"Is there still room for me? At the Cookies of Darkness?" Pastry asks. Red Velvet thought for a moment then answer. "Only if you can help me with my revenge." He said. Pastry nodded as she picks her crossbow up. "Just give me their names." She said to him.


Affogato starred at the pomegranate in his hand, remembering the words he told Caramel Arrow. "I wished that you would understand..." He said as he thought of her. Affogato sighs as he puts the seed into his pocket. "But I won't blame you if you won't ever trust me again." He said to himself. He noticed the falling snow and memories of their childhood became alive before his very eyes. The way they used the build snowmen, their laughter, the times where they shared hot cocoa together are now gone. There's no one to blame, but himself. He should've told about his childhood before meeting her. He should've showed her his childhood home. But now he can't, and with there being a huge possibility that he never could. Maybe he deserves the hate...Affogato felt his stomach growling. Did he forgot to eat again? Or bring food at all? Damnit. Well, he supposed if Caramel Arrow doesn't find and kill him, then hunger will. He just hope if it quick and merciful-He heard something snapped.


"Caramel Arrow. I know that you and Affogato used to be attach to the hip, but the possibility of him staying being is incredibly low. And your uncle made you in charge of the kingdom for a reason." Toffee Crunch said to her. Caramel Arrow sighs as she turns to face him. "I know, Father. But I can feel it. And when I find him. I'll bring him to justice." She replied. "By what means?" Toffee Crunch asks. Caramel Arrow paused. What is she going to do? Lock him up? Work him to the bone? Execution? "I'm not sure yet, but he will be brought to justice." Caramel Arrow answers as she left.


Caramel Arrow was shocked seeing the disheveled Affogato inside the worned tipi. Holding on to his stomach. "Affogato?.." She whispers. Affogato glance up to see her blurry face. What is she going to do to him? Either way, he won't blame her if she kills him. That's probably the reason why she was looking for him in the first place. They are enemies after all. Suddenly Affogato felt light-head as he passed out.


Caramel Arrow quickly grabbed Affogato before he hit the snow. It didn't took her long to see that he was starving. She tossed Affogato on her back as she carrys him to The Black Citadel. The guards open the gates for her when they saw her. She didn't need to see them to know that they're glaring at Affogato. Caramel Arrow went to the prison and sat him down in a cell, then went to the kitchen to grab a bowl of stew. She kneel down to him to spoon feed him. Affogato is at her mercy now, so weak, unconscious, and defenseless. So why she didn't strike? Why is she nursing him back to health? Memories of their childhood filled hir mind as she gently caress his cheek. Before she locked the cell door from the outside and hide the key in her hanbok. And sat across from him. Waiting for him to awaken.

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