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Sorry for the slow update.
I visiting extended family from Mexico, and had to go through my headcannons again while keeping in line with the canon.


Canon: Matcha is Dark Enchantress's clone.

Headcanon: The tree Matcha was made from is the tree that White Lily's older sister, Matcha became when she (the first Matcha) died, White Lily had a hard time with fulfilling Matcha's request to be planted in a garden.

Also: My phone keeps making spelling errors like instead of "and", it goes to "amd".

Licorice, Black Raisin, and Strawberry Crepe sat on top of a wall. "So you two have another brother, Red Velvet." Black Raisin said. Licorice nodded. "Yeah, but hey. He'll like you for taking care of Strawberry Crepe for us." Licorice replied. Black Raisin smiled. "Thank, Lico-Can I call you, Lico?" She asked. Licorice nodded. "Everyone calls me that. It's not very special if that's what you're worried about." He replied. Black Raisin took a deep breath. "I heard stories about Matcha, and still can't believe that she's back from the dead." Black Raisin said. Licorice was confused. Is Black Raisin talking about the time Matcha he knew and grew up with? "Can you tell me about Matcha?" Licorice asked.

"Matcha was a powerful Nature Fae Queen. Even could rival the Silverware Fairy King, Elder Faerie. However one day, she got sick and despite the healers best efforts. She died. But before she died, she asked her little sister and successor, White Lily to plant her tree in the middle of their kingdom so even in death, she can protect the kingdom. But White Lily, still couldn't accept that her big sister is gone. Instead she planted the tree that was once her sister in a flower pot, where it didn't grow and flourish. No one know how or why Matcha came back, in different clothes and is working for Dark Enchantress." Black Raisin explains. Licorice blinked. Before he could speak, Strawberry Crepe spoke up. "Are you talking about Aunt Matcha? Because she was our adoptive mom's clone." They asked.

Black Raisin blinked. "C-Clone?" She stammered. "Yeah, she was a clone from both mom and a potted matcha tree." Strawberry Crepe replied with no filter in their voice. "Red Velvet did told me about it, but he said that the clone was a failure because of a missing ingredient. I didn't think Matcha was the clone...She seemed too real to be a clone." Licorice quip. "Would that make Matcha... Dark Enchantress's daughter?" Black Raisin asks. "No. I don't think so, because I've seen mom calling Aunt Matcha 'Dear Older Sister' many times before, and she does treat us like babies while referring to herself as 'Aunt Matcha' even though all we three of us are  technically older than her. Plus, the fact that Aunt Matcha has a similar, but different face to Mom. Unlike mom and Licorice. They literally have the same face." Stawberry Crepe replied. 

Licorice was surprised about Stawberry Crepe's comment. He never noticed that detail between him and Dark Enchantress before. "Crepe. Adopted children can develop features from their caregivers." Licorice chimes in. "No, I mean if you and mom take a face scan. No one can tell the difference." Strawberry Crepe replied. Licorice felt the world spinning. "I need to go. I'm not feeling so good. " He said as he got up. He overhears Black Raisin and Stawberry Crepe continued talking as he went to his house and momently forgot that the key White Lily gave him doesn't go in the lock. Still as he opens the door, he was greeted by the scent a white lilies, and the sight of the garden and her. "Oh, Licorice. You're back." White Lily greeted with a smile. Licorice was surprised seeing her. "Oh, hey White Lily." Licorice nervously chuckled as he come in. White Lily's happy expression turned into worry. "Are you okay?" White Lily asks. "I'm fine." Licorice replied, not wanting to worry her.

"Come here and lay on my lap. You look like you're going to pass out." White Lily said as she sat down and patted her lap. Licorice couldn't find a reason to argue so he did. To his surprise, he feels a bit better, forgetting the questions he was going to ask her. White Lily combing his locs with her fingers, humming a familiar lullaby. It almost feels like- "Mom.." Licorice sighs. Then, the gentle touches stopped. Licorice was confused as he got up to see what's going on. His heart sank as he saw White Lily sniffling and her crying. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it upset you!" Licorice cried out as he hugs White Lily to comfort her, but White Lily was still crying as he held her. He decided to not let go until she calms down. He doesn't know how long he held her, but he eventually fell asleep with her in his arms. When he woke up. He was in his room, on his bed. "There you are." He heard Dark Cacao. "Where have you been?! Everyone was worried sick!" He continued as he lift Licorice up to his feet and Dark Cacao was ranting about him going to miss a meeting with Pure Vanilla. But Licorice didn't heard any of it. The only thing he has his mind was how he unintentionally made someone cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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