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This takes place after the creame republic invasion. Which is basically the same as the original timeline, but Affogato straight up replace Licorice.

Dark Choco watches as Caramel Arrow ran to Licorice's prison cell. He doesn't know how long has it been due to this strange episode he is having, however Caramel Arrow came back with Licorice. At least he hears them. "What the hell did you do to him?!" He heard her asked. "I did nothing!" He hears Licorice claims. "Well something is happening to him!" She yells. Dark Choco couldn't hear them argue from the painful memories. But then, he felt thin arms wrap around him. "Dark Choco, it's okay. Just breathe slowly." He hears Licorice. Dark Choco did as instructed. It helps a bit. He had already forgotten what they did when Pomegranate used her magic on him. "I'm here. I'm here." He hears Licorice said in a gentle voice. He then felt a pat on his back. "It's okay, my prince. We're here for you." He hears Caramel Arrow. They stayed with him for a while until Dark Choco got up. "Caramel Arrow.. I would like to speak to you." He said with a groan. "After I take Licorice back." She replied. "Back to the prison cell, or back to the seas like you said earlier?" Dark Choco questions, raising an eyebrow. He noticed that Licorice seems confused. "Can you repeat that rant you said to me earlier about him?" Dark Choco suggested. Caramel Arrow looked at him and Licorice in embarrassment. "I-I.." She turns to Dark Choco. "I said that Licorice needs to go back to the seas. And that he needed to be hung. I am sorry, my Prince." She said. "I think you need to apologize to someone else." Dark Choco replied.

Caramel Arrow turns to Licorice. "I apologize for my insults of you, Licorice" She said to Licorice as she bows. "Eh, It's fine. I've been insulted way worse." Licorice replied with a shrug. Dark Choco nodded in agreement. Pomegranate had said things that are way worse to them. "So, I guess we're cool?" Caramel Arrow said to avoid the awkward tension. Everyone came to an agreement. Dark Choco smiles a bit. Hopefully these two will get along in the future. "Besides, if you think that was embarrassing. You should've seen Dark Choco staring at me like I'm about to do something crazy." Licorice commented. "Lico-!" Dark Choco whispers, but got cut off by Licorice. "Remember when you would ask me if I was a merman, or if I was a ghost, and if so how did I died, and why I didn't go to the afterlife?" Licorice asks. Dark Choco cheeks flushed red from embarrassment as he can hear Caramel Arrow and Licorice laughing. After the two had a good laugh. Dark Choco thought about The Licorice Tribe. Licorice is a couple years younger than he is, and yet the tribe was believed to have been extinct before he was born. Maybe him and his father need to recheck their history? As he watch Caramel Arrow take Licorice back to the cell. He decided that he needs to have a talk with his father. There might be something that they missed.


"I'm sorry, that I called a meeting just after we just finished one." Dark Cacao said. Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla sat down. "You don't need to apologize, dear friend." Pure Vanilla said. "Whenever you called for a meeting. It must be important." "But why did you need GingerBrave?" Hollyberry asked. "Because he has history with both Dark Enchantress and the topic." Dark Cacao answers. "What topic?" GingerBrave ask as he walked in. The three Ancients showed him his seat. The chair across from Dark Cacao. "Greetings, GingerBrave." Dark Cacao welcomes him. Dark Cacao took a deep breath. "During the invasion of my son's former team. I only managed to capture one of his comrades that I'm pretty sure you're familiar with GingerBrave." GingerBrave nodded nervously. "However, as much as I'd like to say I've gather some information. I'm afraid that's not the case. For that man is as stubborn as the Great Chocolate Wall." The Ancients and GingerBrave looked down. "Which is why I've decided to form a alliance with him. That way we can use the knowledge he trusted us with to defeat Dark Enchantress." While everyone else agrees that's great plan, GingerBrave felt uncomfortable. "Um. May I speak?" He asked. "You may, that's why I invited you to the meeting." Dark Cacao said.

"Listen, I know Old Rags is a bad guy, but um..gaining his trust, and using it seems a bit.. too far?" He said. Pure Vanilla sighs. "GingerBrave, I know that your heart is in the right place, but this is for the greater good. If we don't, then we would have him executed for all the crimes he committed." He reasoned. GingerBrave gulped. He had forgotten that the ancients are traditional when it comes to punishment. "I'm afraid Pure Vanilla is right. Even if it is against our morals." Hollyberry said. GingerBrave nodded. Still wishing there's an alternative. "This is where you come in." Dark Cacao interrupted his thoughts. "Does he have any hobbies or interests?" Dark Cacao asked. GingerBrave scratch his head. "He likes to sew. He made that dress Choco Werehound Brute wore in the Princess competition. Maybe a bookworm." He answers with a shrug. "Alright. Now we just need an approach, maybe a spy?" Pure Vanilla said. "I'll take on the spy job." Dark Choco unexpectedly said. Everyone turned around. "What are you doing here, Dark Choco?" GingerBrave asked. " I was going to give a word with you, but this seems to be more important. Besides I am a former criminal so it would make sense if I put in a cell." Dark Choco reason. Everyone agrees. Dark Cacao nodded. "Grab some clothes than." Dark Choco nodded and left. The meeting went better than he thought.

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