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Licorice woke up seeing Dark Choco gone. "Am I late for work?" He thought. Suddenly he felt something under his waist. He pulled it out seeing a key made with pure sliver with the same fleur-de-lis symbol. Licorice examine the key further. Somehow he felt it trying to telling him something. He got up from the bed, cut a loose tread, and tied it up like a necklace. He then stuffed the key necklace under his robe before he tried to open the door. Luckily Dark Cacao was walking by. "You overslept." He said as he open the door. "Good morning to you too." Licorice replied. Dark Cacao sighs. "You're lucky that you have no work for today." He said. "Where's Dark Choco?" Licorice asked looking around. "Why do you think that I was coming here?" Dark Cacao said. The two men blinked before realizing that Dark Choco had left. "DARK CHOCO!" They yelled. 


Dark Choco sat on a log thinking about what happened last night. Did he overreact? He feels embarrassed, crying in front of someone weaker than he. He thinks about his adolescence, so young, so naive, so full of emotions. If he could back in time, he would scold his younger self into not looking for the sword. Then again he was stubborn and full of buried rage. Dark Choco sighs as he got up, and punched a tree. Letting the nesting birds escape and the cold snow fall on him. "There you are." He heard his father's voice. Dark Choco turns back and saw Dark Cacao. He than noticed that Licorice was standing besides him. He felt a pinch of jealousy of the both of them. "We were looking all over for you!" Licorice shouted as he dash to Dark Choco. Dark Choco just looked away, avoiding eye contact. Licorice grabbed Dark Choco hand, "What's wrong? You look pale." Dark Choco looks at Dark Cacao, trying to control his anger. He doesn't feel comfortable being around with his father right now. 


Dark Cacao was sadden as Dark Choco leaves without a word. "Was he always like this?" Licorice asked. Dark Cacao woke up from his thoughts. He sighs and put his hand on Licorice's shoulder. "Unfortunately, yes. Eversince his adolescence." Dark Cacao answered. Dark Cacao knew that his son wouldn't talk to him anymore, however his coworker was with him since Dark Choco's adulthood so maybe he can. "Did Dark Choco said anything about me?" Dark Cacao asked. Licorice made an uncomfortable expression. "Usually it's about you not being there for his most of life, but whenever someone said something bad about you, he will defend your honor." Licorice answered. Dark Cacao exhales. "What did you think of me?" He asked. Licorice turns to Dark Cacao. "What?" He replied. "Do you think I was good father?" Dark Cacao explains. Licorice bit his hand. "To be honest. I think you were an absent father. Dark Choco told me everything." Licorice said.

Dark Cacao couldn't say that he's surprised at what Dark Choco told Licorice. Yet it still hurt. "Let's just give him time." Dark Cacao said as he turns away. "Hey, old man?" Licorice said. "Yes?" Dark Cacao replied. "Is it true about what Dark Choco said about his childhood? That he couldn't make friends because they might make him lose his princely ways?" Licorice asked. Dark Cacao felt a lump in his throat remembering how protective he was whenever Dark Choco tries to be around kids his age. He look at Licorice who reminds him of a creature as the grey one tilted his head. "I just wanted him to focus on becoming a better king, than I." He answered. "That explains why he tries to get close to me and Red." Licorice replied. Dark Cacao turn to Licorice. "And because you three were under her rules you didn't became friends." Dark Cacao guessed. Licorice nodded respectly. "You know, you can roam around if you like, just don't cause trouble." Dark Cacao said to Licorice. Licorice look up at him surprised. "Go on, child." He said gently. Licorice walks away, leaving Dark Cacao alone.


Licorice took out the key and inspect it. It feels like it's calling to him. Suddenly, as if he was in a trace. His feet were carrying him to secluded area. Covered in dead leaves and snow. Licorice notice how the leaves moved out the way and the snow melted as he gets closer. He reach to a door with a keyhole. Licorice looks at the key and took his chance. Inside was a garden. Only it had not been taken care of for a while. "Geez, someone has been neglecting their garden." He said to himself. Licorice found a few tools and decided to clean the garden. After a few hours of work, Licorice finished. All the garden needs now is some seeds and flowers. Licorice dusted himself off and decided to take a nap on a remaining flowerbed. This room, it makes him feel more belong then anywhere else in the world. Before he knew it, he was already asleep.


The fairy stands afar watching the sleeping figure. Finally, she can meet him. She had watch him grow up without him knowing her. She had yearned to hold and protect him for so long. Yet she had to use the same amnesia spell so they can talk again. However unlike last time, she knows that the child won't get in the way. She's not blaming the kid, though. It was just an accident. What matters is she can be with him and Dark Enchantress wouldn't take him away from her. She smile as she cast the spell on herself again. Hopefully this will be the last time. 

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