Back to the Norm

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A/n: okayyy here we are finally a another chapter out- Vamp

Y/n's pov

I awoke the next morning to 3 missed calls, and another about to happen. I picked up the phone without checking to see who was calling. "Hello?" I asked, sitting out and letting my vision adjust. "(Y/n) (M/n)-Crystal (L/n), where are you?" Mom asked me. She acted this way when she was worried. "I'm in my room, where are you, do I need to be there?" I asked, she breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm in my room, I just heard you left your sisters apartment yesterday." Mom said, "I did but I just ended up meeting up with Gerard and coming back here." I sighed. I felt my lips curl into a smile, "Oh god, did you guys..." She gasped, "Oh my god, no!, Mom we would never!" I stood up. "I'm sorry, I had to ask okay. I just don't know how things are between you 2 right now." Mom was laughing slightly. 

"You didn't have to ask mom, Gerard and I aren't together and we're just talking. I really wouldn't even say we're friends." I sighed, "So you're catching up, after all this time?" Mom asked. She sounded excited. "Don't get excited, I don't know what this means for us okay, and there is no us. I stopped that train a long time ago." I said. "I think you're lying there is an us in this, it's everyone hoping that you 2 can be as close as you used to be." She said. "You want us to be close? Mom...sometimes I feel like that was the worst thing for us." I spoke, "Look what it led to." I frowned. 

"Friendships, relationships, they all break apart somehow. It's just the world's way of working." Mom said, "Me and Donna have been saying, we had never seen you 2 kids happier than when you were together. Not to mention how neither of you have dated seriously since you split up, you don't even talk to people outside of me and your father." She began, "Mom, I don't wanna hear you pick apart everything wrong with me right now." I rolled my eyes. "I'm just saying, this could be really good for both of you." Mom backed off. "Could it?" I asked.

"Be honest, how does it make you feel to be around him again." She asked, "I feel...normal, how it feels to be around everyone else." I lied. "I see..." mom said, "Well we leave tomorrow, so in the case of feeling normal, we're going back to our normal routine when we get home." She sighed. "Okay, what time?" I asked, "8 tomorrow, we'll get dinner, and get on the road right after." I heard dad say in the background. "Okay, another big fancy dinner, or casual family dinner." I asked, "We're going to your sister's place and having a family dinner." Mom said. "Oh god..." I slid down the bed and onto the floor. "Be nice about this, why'd you even leave your sister's place the other day?" Mom asked. "I'm coming over," I said. "Okay." She replied. 

.( one walk up the hall later) 

"Okay, so to have Ray there, really messed up the vibes, I thought I could just spend the day with them and talk but then he had to interrupt." I said, "I blew up, and stormed out." I sighed, "Why though, even if he just talks your gonna leave?" Mom asked "No, he said I should be more honest about my feelings, as if he's ever been honest. He abandoned me." I spoke calmly even though I felt like crying. I was sitting in the middle of mom and dads' bed. "I feel he said that cause he knew I'd blow up." I said, "He shouldn't be trying to get emotional reactions out of you, if he wants my blessing." Dad said.

"He is not trying to marry me, I actually love Ray and Taurus together, they're good together." I said. "Yes, but he shouldn't have said that to you after how your friendship ended." Dad shook his head. "Ended..." I said, it did end. "We should get ready for dinner.. I'm going back to my room." I said getting up and leaving. "Hey, (Y/n), you know it's okay to feel bad about these things, you can cry about this." Dad said. I shook my head, I didn't wanna look at them again. "I'm sorry about the other night by the way. I was worried, but I shouldn't have blown up at you." Mom said. 

"Thanks, I know you were worried, I should've acted with a clearer head." I said, walking out. I couldn't face them. 


Ray's pov

I was mopping up in the kitchen when Taurus came to the door frame of the kitchen. She leaned against the door frame, "So what are we gonna do tonight?" She asked in a serious tone. I closed my eyes and breathed hard. I can't keep going over this, "Apologize even though I'm not wrong." I frowned at her, but she just stared daggers at me. "Oh c'mon!" I put a hand on my hip. "Hey, no one gets to make my sibling feel bad. Not even you!" Taurus stomped. "I get it, you have a tragic past with them, but you can't marry their sister and wave those words in their face like that." she crossed her arms, looking away from me. 

I felt my heart crack, she had such a harsh tone. "Did you ever stop to think about how I felt? I had to let go of my best friend, and I was alone where I had never been before." I said. "Alone?" Taurus scoffed, I found myself staring at my feet. Shame had crawled up my spine as she tore into me. "Alone, like sneaking into my bedroom window, your junior year? Or alone like spending most everyday with Gerard and everyone else at the study group?" She kept her eyes locked on me even though she knew I couldn't look back at her. "Oh no, I'm wrong, you mean alone like being voted most likable, most lovable, and successful, in the year book?" she almost shouted. 

"You saw how you were leaving (Y/n's) life without a word, and yet you stand in my kitchen and play the victim..." Her tone had softened, but the disgust in the back of her throat said every word she was holding back. "Taurie..." I mumbled, but she walked away. "I love you, and I want you to be better." She spoke strongly, she sounded like her father when she talked like that. I could only nod, still looking away. 

I clenched my fists around the mop handle. I could feel my eyes being stung with tears and my face contorted into something I couldn't control. "...I've been a selfish little boy, I'm sorry." I swelled with anger, then deflated with sadness. "Don't apologize to me, say that to (Y/n)." Lilith had replaced Taurus in the door frame, her tone was much more cheerful, but she had the same stern look in her eyes. I nodded again. Lilith snapped, and the floor dried itself without a gust of wind over it. 


I'd been standing on the balcony pondering my actions for about an hour before I realized I was looking at the street as if it were a crystal ball. To be fair I had been given enough clarity to see all of my life in the lines of the pavement, I walked them over in my mind, a mental trip down a real memory lane. 

In those years of isolation, I had never been alone for a second. I spent my nights in Taurus' bed, and my days with all my friends, and I felt the love around me. I focused on what I didn't have, and who wasn't there, the person I pushed away the most. "Maybe I just resent them because I feared all they could do with my secrets..." I spoke it aloud to myself. "That means I've been an asshole..."  I leaned forward, reaching for the memory of the boy I used to be. 


To be continued 

A/N: Yeah...hi okay Bye-Vamp 

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